Reproductive Rights, part 2

In the previous part of this ramble, I promised you a rather amusing anecdote. I might have told it before, but it is such a great story that I felt like re-telling it. Besides, it will be slightly more fleshed out and – hopefully – way more entertaining this time around.

It all happened in the long gone and far away year of 2018. A feminist woman in her 50’s shared a news article to Facebook wherein it was written that a certain political party in Norway considered allowing for men to sign away their rights and responsibilities in case of a pregnancy. So-called paper abortions.

She commented on this with: “(political party) must have been smoking their socks.”, no doubt a very lucid take on the topic, delivered with all the self-righteous smug arrogance one expects from a feminist who, more like than not, have spent most her time in an echo chamber, having nothing but nodding heads with that dim thousand-yard stare of learned compliance and helplessness surround her. Well formed arguments are immaterial; a cheap insult is more than enough when someone is so mean and wicked as to try and open up for men to actually have some reproductive rights. So they had, of course, smoked their socks for daring to propose measures be taken to implement some actual equal rights and equal treatment in that luscious law of ours.

My wife, always the fantastically feral muckraker, commented with the following simple statement: “I actually believe the sexes should be granted equal rights”, knowing full well the can of worms this would open.

The feminist in question responded with: “That is good, (name of my wife), but let me tell you how equality actually work”. Rather condescending, wouldn’t you say? Here’s this feminist, woman-splaining, cunt-plaining and fem-sulting my wife, all in one sentence. Behaviour that, were it to come from a man towards a woman, would be dismissed as that most horrible act of “mansplaining”, the man of course to be thoroughly shamed and dragged through the streets towards the laughing stock for daring to so condescendingly explain something to a woman.

However, when it comes from a (feminist) woman, it is quite alright as my poor wife quite clearly needed to unlearn the tyrannical, patriarchal and (most likely) white supremacist notion that equal treatment means equal treatment; that equality means equality… particularly before the law.

My wife, not missing a beat, responded with more-or-less the exact same comment she just posted: “I actually believe the sexes should be granted equal rights.” A couple of guys came to the defence of my wife, flabbergasting the feminist in question even more. People disagreeing with her and her hallowed feminist approach to equality (which of course translates into privileges, rights and superiority for women and women only)?

This was an absolute outrage!

This was not how people should behave.

People were supposed to agree, blindly and without question.

Especially women. Men, of course, don’t know any better on account of being men.

But women?

How very dare she – a woman – propose that, maybe, men have been given the short end of the stick? How dare she point out one of the many areas in which women are treated favourably, be that by society or by law? How dare she point out one of the many areas in which men are treated unfairly, be that by society or by law?

It was the wonderful voice of feminism, after all. ‘

Anyone who disagrees with it must, by definition, be a vicious woman-hating bastard. Or a woman with internalized misogyny; brainwashed into servitude and such by the awesome might and influence of the patriarchy.

A discussion commenced, in which the feminist got increasingly irate and irrational, throwing out arguments that one would be familiar with if one has but a passing knowledge of the pro-lifers and anti-abortionists and their arguments. Things like “One has to be aware that sex can lead to pregnancy”, “They can keep it in their pants” and “One has to take responsibility for ones actions”.

Of course, she was all for abortion for women. Even when the arguments she used could just as well be used against abortion for women. Responsibility and accountability is a male-only trait, apparently. At least through the fever of feminist fancy. Cognitive dissonance, double standards, mental gymnastics and similar remains a predominantly feminist trait.

The guys, and my wife, kept discussing with this feminist, who in the end simply responded with the incredibly well-thought out and considered argument: “Blah!”.

A brilliant, soul-crushing argument, no doubt. There was no bouncing back from this. She was victorious; her opponents beat and bruised and bloodied, lay face-down on the battlefield of ideas… never to rise again.

The guys asked if she was, perhaps, a bit annoyed… a wee bit irritated… angry, even.

My wife just repeated what she had already said, stating yet again: “I actually believe the sexes should be treated equally”. An attempt to bring the point home, obviously.

The feminist replied that she was neither irate nor angry, neither annoyed or antagonised, thank you very much, she was just tired of discussion.

She then proceeded to promptly delete the entire thread, wiping away any and all evidence that she had made a complete and utter fool of herself. Her arguments did not stand up to scrutiny, nor were they thought through. This much was glaringly obvious, as she was completely incapable of arguing her case when met with actual arguments to the contrary of her conniving conviction. Insults flew and tantrums were thrown, but arguments were lacking. And when there were arguments to support her case, they were – as I just mentioned – nothing but well known pro-life arguments. Albeit with a focus on male responsibility.

Her reaction to both the article and the ensuing discussion was evidently an immediate and purely emotional reaction, with no thought or reason behind it. She was completely incapable of seeing that her arguments could just as easily, with the same rationale, be used against abortion for women. That they, in fact, are used against abortion for women.

Until, of course, it was pointed out to her, in part prompting the aforementioned brilliant argument of “Blah!”, and the subsequent deletion of the thread.

Immediate outrage is as immediate outrage does. Reason does not factor into it. Merely an immediate emotional reaction to a proposal that men should be, perhaps, granted reproductive rights similar or equal (within the limits of our different biologies, obviously) to those enjoyed by women. It is only fair, after all.

This proposal was reacted to by vile vitriol and calls for responsibility on part of men, from someone who supposedly champions a movement there to fight for equality between men and women, and the rest of the seven thousand genders that either exist or don’t exist, depending on what argument is needed to be made.

Where women have rights, where women demand rights, men have responsibilities. When men fight for these very same rights, women see no qualms in shaming them for their supposed irresponsible nature… even when championing women’s rights to free themselves of the very same responsibility which men need to take… which men have no choice in taking. Women want to have their cake, and eat it too.

Just remarkable.

And so the tale came to an end, with the feminist most likely not learning anything from the incident, except, perhaps, a strengthening of her core belief in the immaturity, immorality and irresponsibility of men; the wickedness of masculinities so evident in their wish for equal treatment of the sexes… as well as getting an even firmer belief in the obvious brainwashing the pestilent patriarchal society we live within subject its poor women to.

After all: a women holding her own opinions, contrary to feminist opinion, can not exist as anything but proof of patriarchal brainwashing and societal indoctrination into subservience and obedience to men, bastards as they all are.

Add to this some typical murmurs about my wife being reactionary, being a boot-licker of the patriarchy, a pernicious pick-me, wanting to go back to a time where her existence could amount to nothing but (according to feminist revisionist history) being pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen, etcetera, and you’ve got yourself a fantastic feminist filth-sandwich to rival all other phenomenal filth-sandwiches. Women are strong, free, independent and must be listened to no matter what they say. Unless they go against the feminist dogma. Then they may well be made subject to any scorn and ridicule. Why; then they are no better than mere men, scum of the earth as they so clearly are!

To make the claim that the men’s rights movement, scattered and rag-tag as it is, as a whole is a reactionary movement is a ridiculous claim. Particularly so when such a big chunk of it fight for men’s reproductive rights… a fight that is, in fact, both radical and progressive.

Or merely fighting for men’s bodily autonomy… a luxury which we do not have, from the moment of our birth, as long as male genital mutilation of infants remain legal, accepted and common. It does not matter whether any one man is a victim of male genital mutilation or not. As long as men live within a society in which it is not only legal, but also broadly accepted, men have no bodily autonomy, no ownership over their own bodies.

The lack of bodily autonomy; of self-ownership could easily be used as an argument in regards to men’s lack of reproductive rights as well. A man must pay child-support, whether he wanted the baby or not. He must alter his life based upon a woman’s choice, no matter his wishes.

With his body, then, he does the labour needed to earn the money needed to pay the child-support. His body, his life, his future are all things over which he has no control in this – and many other – circumstances. These are all domains over which women and the state hold sway. This is an incredible amount of power for anyone to hold over anyone.

Speaking up about it, protesting it and objecting to it as a man, does little but open oneself up for shame and for ridicule; being called selfish and egotistical, irresponsible and whatever else… shaming that is considered a grave injustice, if thrown towards a woman opting for abortion. Despite it being very much the same thing – not wanting to take responsibility for a child that – more often than not – is the result of ones own choices and actions, thus choosing not to do so.

Only one party has that choice. Only one party has the power to force the other into parenthood. Remarkable, is it not? One can not force a woman into anything; be that an individual or the state or the government. That would be discrimination, that would be sexism, that would be misogyny, that would be horrible. Men, on the other hand, can be forced into whatever and asked to accept, not object, not protest… merely to take this duty, to take this responsibility alongside all the other duties and responsibilities, and carry on living with one foot firmly in the grave already.

Now, I can obviously not disagree with the fact that one has to be aware that sexual intercourse can lead to pregnancy. This is a true statement. There is no denying that.

With the plethora of options available for women, both pre-and-post-conception, however, it is difficult not to reach the conclusion that the “accidental pregnancies” often are planned “accidents”.

Happy little accidents” happen more often than we think, I believe, through trickery and deceit. And in that case, women have all the rights and men have none. A man may be “baby-trapped”, and there’s not a damned thing he can do about it. He has no self-ownership, no course of action… only sexual abstinence or suicide.

The major part of the discussion regarding abortion – if we were to have an honest discussion, not one fuelled by feminist egotism and rhetorical trickery – should centre around when a foetus is to be considered alive. Some say at the moment of conception, others say a few weeks or months into its development. The pro-life stance has nothing to do with wanting to control women’s bodies. It has to do with believing that the foetus is a live human being, even in the womb, even early in the pregnancy. Logic then dictates abortions to be murder of a child. It follows that life, any life, should not be ended willy-nilly.

The pro-choice stance, the feminist stance, is more often than not an argument from selfishness: women’s ownership of their bodies and their lives, and thus their right to decide what happens with that body and that life… As well as the body and life of a man. But who cares about them, right? They should be aware of the possibilities for pregnancy. Like – how stupid are men, really, to not be aware that fucking can lead to pregnancy? Sigh and harumph.

A major flaw in the typical feminist, pro-choice argument arises when one comes to the (to my eyes) inevitable conclusion that the foetus is its own body, its own person, existing as more than merely an extension of the mother’s body. Not to mention – as touched upon in part one… repetition is a fairly decent way of hammering the point home – that the foetus is also built from the body of the father. He provides sperm, thus rendering the foetus a part of his genetic material, of his body; a marvellously engineered and – I would even dare state – miraculous creation of them both… a fantastic product of male and female co-operation, if ever I saw one. The father’s contribution matters remarkably little to the eyes of feminism, society, the government, the state and the law, excepting when it does… when is when he has to understand that sexual intercourse can lead to pregnancy. In other words: when he has to take responsibility for his (and hers) actions.

To the feminist mind; to the pro-choice mind, the growing baby is nothing but a clump of cells.

To my mind, this is a rather disturbing mindset.

A “parasite”, I have heard it referred to by some.

To my mind, this is a completely disturbing mindset.

Luckily, it does not seem to be a mainstream view of the thing.

I have come to the realization, after reading and watching discussions and debates on pregnancies and abortions and such, (being the anti-social observer that I so obviously am, I am fond of reading and watching debates and discussions… not in taking part), that whether or not the foetus is nothing but a clump of cells; whether the foetus is a growing and living baby, a human being, or not, depends on one thing.

That one thing is a simple one.

It depends on whether the woman wanted it or not. If she wanted it, it is a growing baby with life and potential and a future and what have you. If the woman didn’t want it, it is nothing but a clump of cells.

Pro-choicers would not grieve if experiencing a miscarriage, if it was nothing but a clump of cells. Were the foetus merely a clump of cells, a miscarriage would not be worthy of any amount of grief.

Once again, I can only reach the conclusion that the opinion of the thing depends on what is needed in the moment, not on any fixed, any constant values.

Thus, it appears to me to be a fickle and emotional thing. In other words: what feels right there and then, not this, not that, but both of them, depending on the mood at the time.

To make one thing perfectly clear: This is not an attack on pro-choicers as individuals. Not as such. They are free to have and to voice their opinions. As we all should be. What bothers me is the dishonesty of the argument, painting it as being about a woman’s ownership of her body when it so obviously is not.

Proof, perhaps, that our society cares more for women than we do for children, even babies?

Let me also state this: this is not to take anything away from the grief experienced by either parent due to miscarriage. Miscarriages, I know from personal experience, are gruesome affairs… not to be taken lightly.

I have no doubt that any expecting parent, whether pro-life or pro-choice, whether expectant mother or father, will feel this loss as something real and something significant, something substantial, and as such will grieve this loss as any parent would grieve the loss of their child.

I know this grief excruciatingly well, having experienced it myself, twice, not all that long ago. But more on that next time, for the final part of this ramble. Suffice it to repeat that I do not doubt the sincerity of their grief at all.

Still, I can not help but find it fascinating that a foetus is a clump of cells or a living human being, depending on whether or not it is wanted. Schrödinger’s baby is alive or not alive, depending on circumstance. Anything, I suppose, to distance oneself from the knowledge of what an abortion actually is; anything to remove the burden of knowing what one is about to do, or what one just did.

As is the case with the treatment of boys and men in our society, it seems that it is preferable to turn a blind eye and enter a state of denial so as not to look at the facts of the matter. If this society of ours was to take a clear and lucid look at the state of things, it would be ashamed of itself.

Things would have to be re-evaluated one after the other.

Behaviours and institutions; entire systems would have to be changed and a whole host of people would have to take a long, good and hard look at themselves, their behaviour and their treatment of other people, be that treatment undeservedly benign or undeservedly wicked… they would have to re-evaluate their way of navigating the world. This is something I find most people have a hard time doing. Introspection is not in vogue, even when calls for it (mainly on the part of men) are.

And so it is easier to not look at it, easier to deny, easier to be wilfully blind to the facts than it is to look at the facts as the facts are.

And that, my friends, is fact. At least according to my magnificent beard, and the little man that lives within it.

That concludes this section of the ramble. Please join me next week for the conclusion.

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  • Moiret Allegiere, 05.12.2020

Feminism: The breakfast of champions:

My Generation Killed Rock «n» Roll:

Lonely Trainstation Blues – Poetry for the Lost Boys, Kindle:
Lonely Trainstation Blues – Poetry for the Lost Boys, Paperback:

Howling at a Slutwalk Moon, a collection of previous blog posts:
Vol 1 Paperback:
Vol 1 Kindle:
Vol 2 Paperback:
Vol 2 Kindle:
Vol 1 Illustrated Paperback:
Vol 2 Illustrated Paperback:

Other links: @MoiretAllegiere

Times are tough #3

Times ain’t so bad, gentlemen. I mean: they sure as hell are rough and tough and mean and wicked, spiteful, chaotic and violent. But they ain’t so bad. It’s just a few fires, just some rioting, looting, pillaging, burning and a few murders. But times ain’t so bad. It’s mostly peaceful. Sure; freedom of speech is slowly being eroded and removed on account of muh hate-speech and other such naughty things, effectively revoking democracy by denying people a right to speak their mind thus forcing conformity of speech and thought, but, hey, all’s well that Orwells, one supposes and imagines. Who gets to decide the intent behind a sentence written or spoken but the one who wrote or spoke it? The powers-that-be and anyone who is slightly offended. This has been decided. These are the truth-holders: the only ones capable of deciding the intent behind a sentence. Not the sentence-wielder, but the sentencer.

The UK is considering making horrid misogyny illegal, effectively making women their own specially protected class of citizen. Even more so than usual. The same, one observes, does not apply to misandry. (Of course, one is forced to admit that the hearing included a question that sounded something like this, even when I admit to paraphrasing: “should we include hatred of men in this silly little hate-speech law of ours, or is hating women the only thing that we can consider bad?” That the question even needed to be asked is a bit worrisome, but at least men are mentioned in something to do with gender. Mentioned and, I predict, ignored, neglected and forgotten as per usual.)

As it stands, hating men for men being men is still quite alright. Hey; it’s basically your duty as a citizen by this point in time to hate and fear men, in particular white men, for we killed the heavens and raped mother Gaia with our fantastic wits and our two-toned whistling.

All of us, by virtue of sex and skin and next of kin.

Come now, sisters and brothers of the shevolution: do your duty for the mother-land and write me up some hate-filled screed about how it is quite alright to hate men and that it is not about hating men, why don’t ya?

Allow me to inform you that despite movement being restricted and free association being removed or severely limited on account of the commie-cough and other such pesky problems, let me assure you that times ain’t so bad and that we are still free to exist and to live our lives as we see fit. As long as we bend the knee and don’t say or think anything out of line, that is. Especially not online. Online is the worst place to step out of line. Online, one must always stay on the line when encountering anyone who is not male. The internet is a den of rapists, murderers and other woman-hating evils. And you have to point it all out. You get extra brownie-points, applicable to the social credit system if you inform your nearest and dearest big sister certified neighbourhood watch. Become an informant. Save the motherland. Get ready for your daily twenty minutes of hate. Times ain’t so bad, you see. We’ve got it all under control.

No-one is asking that you stand for this.

All that is asked of you is that you kneel for this, kowtow and accept, and all will be well. So spake the glorious furies of the great big red fury.

You know what the worst part of this pre-ramble is? It’s not hyperbolic enough. Which worries me to no end. Seems mother government brought down the ban-hammer hard, seeking to remove undesirables from the public forum. Dissent is not allowed. Order must be maintained. Stability kept. Even when stability at the moment is chaos in the guise of order. The status quo must be upheld; this misguided altruism of ours that demands that no-one shall hear or read anything that may be offensive to their delicate ears and emotionally underdeveloped minds. No-one, that is, except those who are not protected.

Suddenly, I have this strange sensation of deja vu, as though I have written and rambled this exact thing before. How very strange. Things never change. Only the circumstances of the thing.

Everyone is free to speak their mind. We do have freedom of speech, you know, but… those who don’t deserve to be free to speak their mind shall not have freedom of speech. You can tell who those dastardly undesirables are by looking to who we decided are the wholesale merchants of hate speech in this time and in this space and in this place. Of course; one would be wise to also look to those whom deserves protection from that nebulous “hate-speech”. The undesirable elements are usually those who are not afforded special protection under the law; a law that is apparently made so that everyone is to be equal under the law. Equality, it is decided, does not mean treating people equally. So said the ones proposing unequal equality as a virtue. This ain’t even joking.

This of course begs the question: why should anyone be afforded special protection under the law, if the law is supposed to treat everyone equally?

Well, buddy, treating people equally means that some must be treated preferentially to others. It’s pure caterwauling ramshackle logic, see. For some to be treated equally, others must be treated unequally. This makes perfect sense when one cries and snivels in a corner because someone else got first dibs on ones favourite toy. “Oh, my poor child, of course I shall reclaim the toy from him – you deserve it more.”

In other words: all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

God-fucking-damn, but I had to invoke Orwell again. I swear: I never intend to. It just happens all the bloody time. The man was a blooming prophet and a ruddy visionary. It’s not my fault.

Though, admittedly, anything read during early teenaged years – such as I read Orwell, Thompson and similar voices – tend to stick in the memory and shape ones perception of the world more than anything else. I also read a lot of Kafka, Poe, Dostojevskij and old poetry. Make of that what you will.

That leap towards independence during those early teen years of development is sure as hell a powerful leap. Seems few, if any, take that leap any more. Even though I certainly admit to a not-so-well curtailed cynicism as well as more than a few dark and brooding thoughts about where our societies are going at the moment, things might not end as bad as I, in my darkest moments, fear that they will. The pendulum may yet swing back and offer up a crumb of hope. Though I fear I will be long dead before that happens.

I don’t particularly want to play the dirty game of hate-speech laws, but if that is how the rules are to be, I propose that we play by these rules – should one still wish to play this silly social game – and flood the bloody system with complaints about what could be construed as hate-speech targetting men in particular. There is quite a lot to pick from. Seems that muh hate-speech is taken very seriously when muh hate-speech affect women and other so-called minorities who, apparently, are incapable of handling anything that us tough and thick-skinned guys are capable of handling. As it stands at the moment, any criticism of any feminist woman is labelled as misogynist in nature, and as such falls under the strange and peculiar umbrella of hate-speech. Non-feminist women are, as they always are, free game for any hate-speech. But this goes without saying. The same lackluster logic also applies to any minority, as long as they toe the party line.

And so, if these frail and fragile few start being punished by law for their speech, one assumes we would see changes. It happened with Facebook some years back, when the feminist hordes were offended that their hatred of men was censored after the feminist brigades had pestered Facebook enough that they made hate-speech targetting gender verboten. Proving, of course and once again, that gender does not mean gender – it means women. Making gender a protected class means nothing but making women a protected class.

Though, what is more likely to happen is that we would just see more protection towards the protected class. Still – if the rules are as the rules are, the best one can do is to play by those rules. The weapon, rules and tactics of the “enemy” can effectively be used against the “enemy”.

Now, I am not particularly comfortable with this. I would much prefer that those who I am in disagreement with should be able to say whatever the hell they want to say, since I expect that I should be allowed to say whatever the hell I want. This would be treating people equally, ya dig?

No matter how hateful and horrible, the venomous harpies and other troglodytes should be allowed their right to speak their mind.

If these are the rules as they are supposed to be, however, then that is how the game is to be played. Considering the one-sidedness of the law, we are steadily moving towards a society in which one side can say what they wish, and the other side can not respond. The other side then just have to stand there and take the hits, kicks and shit-flinging.

This is not equal treatment. I don’t understand why I have to state this, but there you have it: not treating people the same is not treating people the same. Nor does it open up for debate. When one side is silenced under law, and the other is not, the scales ain’t balanced. This ought to be obvious, but, hey – no matter. Equal treatment is what the harpies say that it is, not what common sense says that it is. If one chooses to play this silly game, these donkey-defilers must be forced to play by their own rules. Or forced to admit the unequal nature of the rules. Which they do, by labelling it positive discrimination. And so come the new-speak.

For my part, I elected to withdraw from broader society. Which sounds worse and more defeated than it in actuality is. I don’t much care for the path we chose to walk down. And so I withdrew. At least as much as is possible. Becoming as self-sufficient as possible is part of the plan. Next year, I will be growing my own food. Would have done it this year, of course, were it not for the move being postponed due to the commie-cough so that we arrived far too late in the season to grow stuff. Gosh-darnit, consarnit and bugger all.

However strange it may sound, given the nastiness and mean-spirited tone in much of my ramblings… however corny and silly it may sound… the path I have elected to walk through life is a path of love. A path of empathy, care and compassion. Believe it or not, but I am a very compassionate man. It just so happens that I am empathetic and compassionate towards those whom the powers-that-be; those whom the opinion-deciders decided are not to receive empathy, care and compassion. Aye, ‘tis true: my compassion, care and empathy extends to the ones who are supposedly privileged enough to kill themselves in disturbing numbers. The ones who are so privileged that their deaths by despair, their grief and their loneliness, their sorrow and their quiet desperation becomes nothing but a statistic and a sordid punchline by those who don’t hate men even when they state quite clearly that they do, you see.

For those who claim they don’t hate men; those who claim that there is no empathy-gap, those who claim that men are privileged seem to lack the empathy, the care and the compassion to understand that telling men – particularly boys and young men – that they are inherently defective; that they are undeservedly privileged; that they are vile, wicked, violent oppressors of women (and of everyone else, for that matter), proves the point of the empathy-gap more than anything else.

The proof lies in the pudding, so to speak. But the pudding is devoured by those who have demanded control of the discourse. And so we can not dig into the pudding to find the proof proper.

It makes little sense to me that those who are oppressed can dictate laws to protect themselves, handed them on a silver-platter by their oppressors, but, hey, reason has no place here – objectivity is, after all, a tool of the patriarchy; a white supremacist and misogynistic invention meant to make white men and their naughty reasoning-skills, nasty capacity for logic and horrible leaning towards objectivity the dominating class.

I wish I were joking, but this – and similar sentiments – are apparently spoken in all seriousness at high levels of the gloriously sheltered academic institutes of higher indoctrination. If one is to follow this incredibly silly and – quite honestly – insulting line of thought, one can only deduce that anyone who is not a white male are born defective; incapable of logic, reason and objectivity.

Were I a woman, or anything but me, for that matter, I would be severely insulted by the suggestion that I am incapable of clear, rational and objective thought. I assume this is nothing but my personal bias at work, of course – I might just be projecting my heteronormative cis-gendered white male capacity for reason and logic out into the world… basking in the affluent glow of my unearned privilege. Or something nonsensical like that.

This is not to say that I don’t own any stocks in the oppression-olympics or in the victim-hierarchy, of course. I am disabled, for one. Secondly – the illness that makes me disabled is somewhat rare, and even more so in men, and so that has to afford me even more victim-credentials. Thirdly, I am a life-long insomniac. That’s gotta count for something, right? I am also prone to depression, though this is most likely linked to the severity of my chronic pains as well as some long-lingering PTSD so this may or may not count, according to the whims of the great quivering pussy in the sky. PTSD is a hell of a drug. Don’t try it, kids, it’s even worse than crack. Or whatever drug is the popular drug at the moment. I can’t keep up with all the trends.

Being introverted in an extroverted society has got to give me some brownie-points for the budding victimologist. I also used to be fat. But I lost weight, so I can’t use that as a bargaining tool unfortunately. I’ve got thin-privilege now, you see. I can reach and I can reach even further, picking whatever could serve as a tool to grant me a piece of the glorious victimhood-pudding. But, I am sorry to say, I am unable to keep the tone serious enough. It would have devolved into screeching something sarcastic before long. Well, more so than usual.


It should, one hopes, not come as much of a surprise that I am not particularly fond of these chronic pains of mine, nor of my lifelong struggle with insomnia. If I wanted to use it for victim-points, I probably could. But, ya know, it is all rendered null and void by my straight, white, cis male privilege. This privilege revokes empathy. Renders it effectively null and void. Apparently. The privilege granted me by the dubious powers-that-be makes it so that I must endure the steady stream of misandry and other politically correct hate-filled drool that run through our societies at the moment. The privileged must always tolerate unbridled hatred and must never experience empathy, nor care, nor compassion for reasons of unearned privilege. Privilege which, incidentally, is invisible to the privileged one. Which is a brilliant way of doing things, since it can be neither proven nor unproven yet used as bludgeoning tool by those who claim to be able to see this privilege floating in the air like some strange ghost of patriarchal privilege past, come to shame you into compliance.

Aye; ‘tis a river of shit in which one must learn to swim before one sinks and drowns and dies.

Or, one could elect to not step into the river of shit at all.

The option to turn away is always there, and will always be there. It is not an easy path, not by any stretch of the imagination. But, hey – most of the work is already done by those who decided that men are privileged and so shall be afforded less care, love, empathy and compassion.

I got my finest lesson in the empathy-gap when I was wicked and mean-spirited enough to ferociously showcase my undeniable privilege by complaining about the searing pains I live with every day on the most hallowed platform for social maladies and social justice; Facebook.

Some feminist – you know, the ones who live and breathe chronic victimhood – saw fit to tell me that I was not allowed to make myself out to be so pitiful. This was sent my way in a private message, which I found to be interesting. Almost as though she did not dare shine a light on her own uncaring nature for all to see by posting her complaint about my complaint about my pains on my wall. Still, it was much compassion, such empathy, wow, from the ideology known to hold the true empathetic nature of peoplekind in their sweaty paws.

Though I knew of the lack of empathy levied at men prior to this, this really was to me the most distinct marker of just that. Feminism is for men too, you know, as long as men don’t complain about anything and just do what feminism dictates. Which includes not complaining about being in constant pain. We are naught but whining man-children. All of us. And so they bathe in male tears, or drink male tears when men speak about their problems, only to complain that men don’t speak about their problems.

Coming from the throats and tongues of those who believe that the Iphone is sexist and that women should be offered free rides home after being out on the town for a night, despite men being more likely to be victims of violence and thus the ones more deserving of a free ride home.

This happened in Norway. Four taxi-cabs gave free rides home for women and women only. As tradition dictates, they were painted pink. Which is interesting all on its own, because I was led to believe that this was horrible gender-stereotyping. Feminism, one learns, is allergic to the colour pink. Unless it comes with some unearned favour, one supposes.

It follows that our department of equality – there to make sure nothing of a discriminating nature happens – decided that they could not speak to whether this was gendered discrimination or not. Very interesting, I think. They could not even decide whether this was gendered discrimination or not, when it most certainly was and thus most probably was illegal under the law such as the law is. Well, it probably ain’t, considering that the law is written to particularly help women and minorities, which in itself is discriminatory and thus contrary to the law itself. And so it begs the question: if they can not speak to whether or not something clearly discriminatory is discriminatory, what the hell are they there for then? To protect whamens and minorities. Women, after all, feel more unsafe than men, despite objectively being more safe than men.

That is what the laws state; there to protect women and minorities. And to hell with men. Except men with minority status. Which I, interestingly enough, am due to this rare illness of mine. But, no matter: as opposed to women and the protected minorities, men are capable enough to care for themselves. This is the line of thought straight from the mouth and saggy tits of mother government. Women can’t cope with life on their own. Men can. Yet, men it seems are not allowed to care for ourselves, because we are supposed to sacrifice our safety and our sanity on behalf of women (he for she, as an example, the laws of the land as another example), and minorities.

And yet, me – and people such as myself – are considered to be the ones with a negative view of women. It is incredibly hostile, incredibly spiteful and hateful to expect women to act like adults are supposed to act. That would be demanding too much of women, it seems. And of minorities, apparently. Proposing that the rules be applied equally is also demanding too much of women. And minorities. They shall be offered extra protection and granted extra laws for them and only them. For that is all-encompassing and all-devouring equality.

These societies of ours claim to be all about inclusivity, claim to be all about equality, claim the tender term “altruism” and humanitarianism to be the guiding light that shines and beckons.

Yet that path is not a path of love. What is proposed as love, as compassion – as human compassion in fact – is nothing but divisive drivel. It is scorn, it is hate and it is shame.

The insults fly, the hatred spreads and grows, if one wears the cloak of non-conformity and so fly in the face of the narrative such as the narrative is. We are all-inclusive, all-encompassing, all-loving and all-empathetic as long as no-one dares come with the proposition that we should, perhaps and perchance, listen to what men go through.

If you do just that, all hell breaks loose. For including men in the equation is haram. Particularly white men, wicked and mean majority as we are.

Those who are allowed to speak on behalf of men are not men. Or they do not speak from being men. They speak from being feminist and they speak from feminism. They may be men, but they do not speak as men. As common, ordinary men. They speak as feminist men. They speak from intersectional feminism. They speak from critical race-theory and from gender studies. Experts in the fields, driven by naught but ideology and scorn and – dare I even say it – penis-envy. These are the ones who speak on behalf of the common man. Not the common man.

I remember watching a debate on our national television-station – functioning much the same as the BBC – about men’s rights. The ones they hauled in to speak on this topic were two feminist women, who stated that men who whine about their rights – or lack thereof – are unsexy. That was the main argument; the main bone of contention, apparently. Men who complain about their station in life are just plain unsexy. No MRA was there to defend, no man at all was present in order to propose another way of looking at it. Just two feminist women, complaining that these men weren’t sexy enough for their liking. How incredibly arrogant. How very objectifying of them. Not surprising, though – this was the same channel that funded and produced a show wherein a feminist woman went to a high school in order to turn all the students at that school into feminists. One realizes that no counter-point was made to feminism. Pure propaganda for one ideology, and that is all. Funded by the money of the common man, as we all are forced to pay for this trite trash. Now, isn’t that interesting, in light of how oppressed women supposedly are? So oppressed that all and sundry must pay for a program that is nothing more nor less than propaganda for a movement only for women.

Anyhow: that is the measure of a man’s worth, gentlemen – whether or not women find him attractive. Whether or not women find him sexy or not. And men swallow this shit. And men bow down to this.

Because men, such as we are, measure our worth by much the same. We measure it by whether or not we are good at what we do, whether or not what we can do will attract a partner. Whether or not we are useful, whether or not we have utility. As do all of society.

Our rights – or lack thereof – do not matter, as long as women find us sexy and attractive for not whining.

There is a reason Incel became a slur, unfortunately used as an insult even within the so-called manosphere. A man who is not attractive to women has no worth. This too is absolute nonsensical bullshit, of course, but that is the way it is viewed. Men would do well in unlearning this learned behaviour; this way of viewing the world. But the drive to procreate appears to be stronger than anything else. Not a need for sex, but a need to procreate. Which, of course, translates into a need for getting laid in our societies, as we circumvented that whole pesky pregnancy-thing with birth-control and prophylactics. Yet, it remains: a biological, primal drive that makes reptiles and primates of us all. If we are not attractive to women, be that through looks or through work or whatever, we are losers. We are incels. This, when internalized – as it surely is – can not be anything but damaging to a man’s self worth. If women are shamed for being sluts, men are shamed for being virgins. Slut-shaming tend to mainly come from other women. Virgin-shaming of men tend to come from women as well, at least based on my personal observations. A man who can not get laid… well, there must be something wrong with him.

As fantastic as it is to be in a committed and functional relationship – and by functional I mean just that and by fantastic I mean just that – it is not a necessity for happiness and for being content. This, I believe, is the lesson that needs to be learned first and foremost, if the incels are to come out of the very dark places they are in.

A functional relationship is a relationship in which both parties pull their load. Built on mutual respect and co-operation. Love that is nurtured and maintained.

Not romantic love; that sweet and short period of utter psychosis at the beginning of a relationship. Nor merely lust.


Love that is nurtured, that is grown and that is kept by both doing for the other. A partnership is a two-way street. All in equal measure.

As fantastic as this is, it is not a necessity to live a good life. A man’s self-worth should not be tied into whether or not he has a partner, whether or not he has gotten his willy wetted by a willing willy-wetter. Nor should his worth to society be measured by his attractiveness to women and his willingness to sacrifice – and not “whining” about his problems is to sacrifice – for women and for society overall. The way our societies neglects the issues of men is in itself a sacrifice from men; it is the disposable nature of men showcased and burning with the might and power of aeons of evolution.

It seems that the path of non-conformity for men is for men to find worth in themselves first and foremost. That this can be considered as non-conformity sounds terrible. And that’s because it is. Non-conformity beckons, gentlemen. Embrace it with your all.

Men define ourselves, and are defined, by what we do, how we earn, how much we earn, things like that. We are defined by our utility first and foremost. The path of love, of compassion and of empathy begins first and foremost with loving ourselves, having compassion for ourselves and having empathy for ourselves.

In short, to find worth in being, not only in doing. Not to lay our happiness or our value in whether or not we have a partner; in whether or not we are attractive towards women, but in whether or not we can care for ourselves, love, honour, respect and nurture ourselves.

And that was this part done. More to come next week, if you can bear my cruel and unusual rambling for another go-around. This thing spiralled out of control and got way bigger than I originally intended. God bless the flow.

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  • Moiret Allegiere, 07.10.2020

My Generation Killed Rock «n» Roll:

Lonely Trainstation Blues – Poetry for the Lost Boys, Kindle:
Lonely Trainstation Blues – Poetry for the Lost Boys, Paperback:

Howling at a Slutwalk Moon, a collection of previous blog posts:
Vol 1 Paperback:
Vol 1 Kindle:
Vol 2 Paperback:
Vol 2 Kindle:
Vol 1 Illustrated Paperback:
Vol 2 Illustrated Paperback:

Other links: @MoiretAllegiere


«Smoke in my eye»

Inspired by this:

With neither thought nor care, they drag his corpse into the incinerator. Grand school-system mistress grinning unfeeling in the background, while vile symphonies play over loudspeakers hanging from decadent corners bedecked in motivational quotes from future presidential candidates; “the future is female”.

“The male is obsolete”.

It’s begging for a beginning. The end is beginning. Cold hands ground round throats into ashes, burnt and belly-up, flop-flop-flopping through public schools under the domineering headlight-stares from blackboards stained with cum-shame and floppy flaccid pricks. Long fingernails dug into skin and into eyes.

This is the end.

And her eyes that stain like future blood on lacerated pavements call into mind-eye memory images of fungi, rotten ground and dirt and mud and bones sawed through with grinding teeth. There is no future here for you, young boy, young man, young sacrifice to elder goddess Neoteny and the high heavens of forced female fragility known only as raw strength.

“The future, if there is one, is female.”

Boys are losers through and through and walk like living corpses through and through the sinful hallways and the stairs that stare and tantalizingly declare a rapist’s cock between his thighs in sing-song platitudes within whose boosted bosom some lullaby was once ensnared then tangled in her yellow horses hair.

This is the end.

There’s no future here beyond the deaths-head grin of ministers that do declare the death of boys as something we doubtlessly must jubilate. Huzzah, huzzah, the silence is incredible, the boys are dead and lost and gone and we are free to live once more upon our thrones beneath the feet of gracious mother virgin-whore.

“I feel that man-hating is an honourable and viable political act.”

Huzzah, huzzah, there are no boys in paradise: no snarling mouths that must be fed, no temperamental bursts of energy to soothe with drugs all magically like bursts of star-scream in the ears and eyes of teacher’s pets that always cozy up and beat the boys with sticks and stones that break their spirit and their bones.

This is the end.

Education has become a conglomeration of forced indoctrination. There’s prophets of the victim-cult, wild storm-troopers galore, sprung from the loins of Alma Mater, sacred frigid virgin-whore, who, stuck, unstuck, between the sheets of time declare a swollen state of emergency which, in reality and sacred honesty, is naught but treacherous hysteria.

“I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig”.

This is the end.

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  • Moiret Allegiere, 02.09.2020

My Generation Killed Rock «n» Roll:

Lonely Trainstation Blues – Poetry for the Lost Boys, Kindle:
Lonely Trainstation Blues – Poetry for the Lost Boys, Paperback:

Howling at a Slutwalk Moon, a collection of previous blog posts:
Vol 1 Paperback:
Vol 1 Kindle:
Vol 2 Paperback:
Vol 2 Kindle:
Vol 1 Illustrated Paperback:
Vol 2 Illustrated Paperback:

Other links: @MoiretAllegiere

Outlaw Justice, Outlawed Men:

A shy and awkward student is facing jail after he touched a teenager in an attempt to befriend her”. Such is the beginning of this article: . Go read the article, then come back.

It is closing in on mid-day, Saturday, October 12th, 2019. I am a bit hungover. Admittedly a normal state of being come Saturday, having delved a bit too deeply into the waters of life the day before.

That is what a bucket-load of home-brewed concoctions and loud music will get you.

Rock’n’roll ain’t dead. Neither is Punk, for that matter. It just got old, developed a bad case of rheumatism and had to take it a bit easy for while.

Usually, I don’t do much writing on Saturdays. Or, well, that is to say – I tend to work a bit on other projects. Things that are not necessarily related to men’s human rights. More of the personal/spiritual stuff that I would focus a lot more on were it not for this god-awful gender stuff being of far more importance. The personal realm can wait. As can the spiritual realm. These don’t matter much in the grand scheme and schism of things. “Things” in this instance being a fancy word for a society that appears to have gone well past its sell-by date.

No, the personal/spiritual stuff I write does not matter all that much. Not when the basic humanity of boys and men are being eroded beneath our feet; a great wide chasm opening up to engulf us and then close above us. To leave us forever devoured by the world; soulless, homeless and absolutely, gobsmackingly hopeless.

We are lost beneath the dead and decaying waves of a split-seamed society that turns its whip-stroked back on boys and men more and more for every passing day. It may very well sound as though I am being hyperbolic. Mayhaps even overly dramatic. Maybe I am… I am afraid to say that I don’t think this is the case.

I first encountered this article two days ago. October tenth. On the day of its release. I Was planning on doing a piece on it next week. Maybe postponing part four of my unending ramble of why I am an anti-feminist. Just needed some time to think about it, devour it and consider it.

I tend to leave the more poetic stuff for Wednesdays. Then focus on a bit heavier, lengthier stuff for the Saturdays. This allows me to write both prose-poetry and more conventional opinion pieces once a week. Writing is my first and greatest love. Or at the very least my greatest outlet for the whatever and whatnot. But I can’t for the life of me get this thing out of my head. It is an absolute atrocity. And trust me and believe me and upon my oath and my honour both: I do not use the word “atrocity” lightly.

And I find myself at a loss for words. This is not something which I am used to. Not when I am writing. I am often at a loss for words if I were to speak to someone whom I don’t know all that well, not being the best versed in social interactions. Chalk that up to introversion, shyness, anxiety, social awkwardness, whatever you want. All in all, it does not matter. I fare much better with the written word than I ever will with the spoken word.

And no wonder, in all honesty.

The topics that I write about is not particularly accepted within the murky depths of society as society stands. The feminist narrative has all but won. And we are all shackled and chained beneath its iron-grip and flimsy iron will. It is not without reason that I refer to it as a tyrannical, totalitarian ideology; the dominant -ism of our day and age. That I choose not to speak on these topics in public – that I choose to write about them in the way that I do instead of debating those who may, for lack of a better descriptor, be called my ideological opponents may very well get me labelled a coward. And I may very well be a coward. Truth be told, I don’t care. At the very least I do some small thing in opposition, however small the part in opposition I play really and truly is.

When I am writing, it is a whole other matter in regards to the words. They tend to come flowing out of my haphazardly thrown together, aching, borderline broken joints and fingers and muscles as though shot from a double-barrelled shotgun deep within my very soul. Which, in truth, is where they come from.

I don’t believe I have ever tried to hide the fact that my writings come from an emotional place – that is to say – they are tainted and given form and shape from the emotional state I am in at the moment of writing. This is not to say that my reasoning or my arguments are based on emotion. Far from it. The delivery, however, is. Such is the realm of art, I think. At the very least the realm of art which I inhabit. It may very well be that I am a fairly sensitive man. I write poetry, for Christ sake! I don’t see anything wrong with this. For the simple reason that there really is nothing wrong with this. It is what it is.

When looking at this article… no, not when looking at this article. When looking at the fate of this young man… his doom, as it were…

I don’t know what I feel.

I know what I think.

There is no doubt about what I think.

There is no doubt about this absolutely horrid display of injustice. Malicious, vicious, brutal, destructive, savage, uncaring, cold, callous… an absolute disregard for this young man’s life, his mental health, his emotional well-being… All for being socially awkward. All for a false pretence. All for the girl and the justice system deciding that they know his intent better than he knows his own intent.

And I feel only cold.

Unbelievably, wretchedly, disturbingly cold.

This is what feminism has done. Welcome the feminist utopia; the age of untangled enlightenment. In the dark. With neither flint nor tinder to light a fire to warm your bones by or illuminate the corkscrew path ahead of you.

The intent – the true intent – of this young man does not matter. Nor does it matter that absolutely no-one was hurt in any way, in any real, tangible, measurable way. Except the young man. The subjective feeling of the young woman in question decides not only his fate, but his intent. Her subjective feeling in the moment trumps his original intent. Were he socially anxious and awkward prior to this, you can be damned sure he will be socially broken and destroyed after this. This is obscene. It is a travesty. And yet, I am not in the least bit surprised. I doubt anyone really and truly is. Western civilization is broken. I fear beyond repair. And I am frightened. Honestly. Truly, really, to the depths of my heart, frightened.

One can not apply logic to this case. Nor can one apply reason. Because the girl, her parents, the entire god-damned justice system has not done it. This is not a case built on evidence. It is not a case built on reason. It is not even a case built on any criminal act. It is a case built entirely on emotion. On subjective feelings. This case should never have been a case. It should not have been a criminal thing. It should have been thrown out; laughed out of the courtroom and the hands of any law-wielder with any amount of self-respect. Or respect for their profession. Being socially awkward should not carry with it punishment by law. Yet it does, in the land of the damned. Which is to say the UK.

The offence – if you can even call it that – carries a maximum sentence of ten years. And a lifetime – if I understood it correctly – of being on the sex offender register. For touching a woman’s arm and waist. Because the woman… no, the overgrown girl-child was certain he was going to touch her breast. How is that proven? I don’t understand it.

How does one go about proving the intent of someone else without employing some hitherto previously unknown psychic telekinetic abilities? “I think it would have been on my breast had I not moved”, she says. She thinks. She feels. With all her awesome neoteny and arrogance.

…Therefore, it has to be true. That is the evidence presented. And that is the evidence accepted. The unbelievable mind-reading abilities of an overgrown girl-child ruining the life of someone else, who is – by his own admittance – socially awkward and anxious and overwhelmed by loneliness.

And it is not that I don’t understand the importance of having and maintaining personal boundaries. Of course I do. I am not a big fan of being touched by strangers myself. But does anyone really and truly believe this is a case of sexual assault? And does anyone really and truly believe that this warrants punishment? Particularly punishment that may be as severe as ten years imprisonment and a lifetime subscription to the sex offender register?

Come on.

The young woman stated that “I struggled for a couple of months afterwards”. For being touched on the arm and waist. Sounds to me as though someone really, really, really wants to be a victim of something in order to push away any responsibilities she may have for her own life. Or just to get them sweet victim credentials that are oh so popular at the moment. Particularly so when taking into account that she apparently was unable to finish her mock exams and then apply to Oxford University. Seems very convenient, does it not? Also sounds as though she is not cut out to be part of wider society if this small, petty and – for all intents and purposes – absolutely harmless happening is enough to ruin her for months on end.

Admittedly, this is speculation on my part.

Everyone is looking for someone to blame, you know.

…As long as that someone is not oneself.

And it is so excruciatingly easy for a woman, in the madness of today, to push the blame onto a man. Any man.

A man is not a human being, after all. That is what we have been told and taught for decades. Men are nothing but rape-machines, and any contact with a man can not lead to anything but unwanted sex. They don’t deserve our empathy. They deserve nothing but scorn. Men do not seek anything but quick and cheap sex. Usually by force. That is the myth and legend being told and presented. And so it must be true. A man could not possibly wish to have a relationship with a woman without sex being up front and centre in his mind and at the tip of his throbbing, mutilated rape-implement. This is what the feminist hive-mind as well as traditional views have told us about men, creating a generation of neuroticism, sexual hang-ups and neo-puritanism in the process. To such an extent that touching a woman’s arm and waist is now considered sexual assault, carrying with it a maximum sentence of ten years. And a lifetime in the sex offender register.

…you know, the amount of times I have been touched on the arm, shoulder, hand, chin, beard, cheek, butt and – on one occasion – groin by women – often in a state of inebriation – whom I did not properly know at the time are not few. Believe it or not, given my not exactly dashing good looks as well as my lack of charisma. I wonder if either the police or the courts would have taken me seriously if I reported them? Or if anyone else would have taken me seriously, for that matter.

Come to think of it, I once had a woman follow me around in a pub, constantly putting her head on my shoulder and whispering sweet nothings into my ear. A compliment, for sure, though I was not particularly interested in her, not being a fan of one night stands at any point in my life. This happened when I was eighteen. I wonder if it is too late to file charges? For me, it would have been too late no matter when I did it.

We all know this.

Had I been bestowed a vagina upon birth, however, it appears that this resting of her head on my shoulder would be enough to ruin her life for good. In particular since her sweet whispered nothings were slightly on the sexual innuendo side of things. Besides; women tend to touch other people more in casual conversation than men do, be that other women or men. It is alright when they do it, of course.

Because men have nothing to fear from women, as the petulant peddlers of prime bullshit will peddle you from their long-reaching serpent tongues and spineless forms.

…Well, boy howdy, do I have something to tell you. And that is this: evidently, we do. Very much so. This is violence by proxy, using the government. This is violence, intimidation and kidnapping. A young woman using the government as her weapon of choice. And now this young man will carry with him the label of sex offender for the rest of his life. Which, I fear, will not be a long and happy life. I hope this young woman will realize what she has done at some point in her life, and that regret, shame and guilt will follow her to the end of her days.

I am usually not this vindictive.

But this is absolutely horrible. Given, of course, that the information presented is true. I have not seen anything to indicate otherwise.

I find it absolutely astonishing that the courts are able to state, without a smidgeon of doubt, that “The complainant’s evidence was very clear, logical and without embellishment. We can think of no motivation for you to touch the victim other than sexual”.

This despite him giving his side of the story as not being sexual. It does not matter what he says in his defence. His actions – his intentions – are not of any importance. The importance is placed upon what the alleged victim believe his intentions were.

And nothing else matters.

Nothing else matters.

Nothing ever will.

A woman’s capabilities of mind-reading is all that is needed in order to destroy a man’s life.

Remember Emmet Till.

That is all I should have said.

And I am incredibly cold.

I don’t know what else to say. The article linked really does speak for itself. This is from the UK, the same place that granted a woman who assaulted her boyfriend… stabbed him with a breadknife, if I recall correctly… her freedom. She did not get any punishment. For punishment could possibly interfere with her academic future and her future career as a gifted surgeon. Don’t want to destroy the life of a violent woman, of course. Her actions should not carry any consequences for her, poor dear. A woman’s actions having consequences for her? Goodness – that would be the day!

It is clear that the UK has a two-tiered justice system. There is one set of rules for women and another set of rules for men.

Where women are concerned, the law does not apply.

And where men are concerned, the law really and truly does apply. For the law is able to read the minds of men and so divine their original intent, never-minding what they themselves say. Men are nothing but liars, scumbags and fuck-guzzling pigs, after all.

This ability to divine the original intention of men is something women seem to have in general and en masse. An astonishing ability, to be sure, and one that I wish I had. It never matters what a man says in his defence. It matters only what a woman says, no matter how absurd.

And yet the feminist hive-mind as well as society overall dare to still make the claim that women are oppressed and are never heard nor taken seriously.

It is a brutal, ugly, vicious thing. And it will never end. Not as long as good men and women are silent about it.

George Orwell was correct in all but the year. This is the junior anti-sex league on full display. It is the new-speak guidelines for the current year; the divinity of womanhood and viciousness of manhood. Women are now synonymous with God. And men are synonymous with Devil. Women are good and men are evil. That is the language of the current year.

Fuck it, who am I kidding?

It is the language of the current year and all the years that have gone before. A beast with different shapes and forms, but the same beast. Even after all this time.

And yet, women dare to write articles about how horrible it is that men are now refusing to be alone with women. How horrible it is that men don’t dare to make the first move, to do something in order to get a romantic relationship going. No wonder. We stand in danger of imprisonment if the woman decides she does not like us.

Though I would absolutely dare say that not all women pushed for this or are like that – this is, after all, the work of feminism – I fail to see that many women standing up against this, nor do I see many women caught in outrage-mode over this.

And no wonder! Women – and feminism – have more important things to worry about. Such as the lines to the women’s toilets being longer than that of men’s toilets. Or the non-existent pay-gap. Or the nefarious pink-tax. Or the air-conditioning. All incredibly important injustices to be fixed and mended, clearly. Not to mention that feminism claims to fight for men too, so really – there is no need for any men’s rights movement to take on this battle on behalf of men. All is good and fair. There is only equality sought here. Now, get back to the plantation and fall on your knees and state, quite proudly, that you would never, ever, under any circumstances, do anything but what a woman tells you that you must do. All hail the goddess Feminism; lady of chaos and bringer of perpetual darkness.

Men are facing quite genuine discrimination in the legal system, in the social sphere, at schools and at work.

So much so that any man’s original intention does not matter – what any woman imagine his intention to be does matter.

If you wanted to drive a wedge between the sexes – which there really should be no doubt about at this point in time – congratulations. That is exactly what you have done. I hope you are pleased with yourself, ms. Feminism, ms. Queen Bee Supreme.

Now, wait ten years.

And then reap what you have sown.

You will not enjoy the reward.

And it will all be of your doing and by your flimsy will brought forth.

Woe upon the plight of womankind.

Surely, they are never taken seriously.

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  • Moiret Allegiere, 16.10.2019

My book – Howling at a Slutwalk Moon, a collection of previous blog posts:
Vol 1 Paperback:
Vol 1 Kindle:
Vol 2 Paperback:
Vol 2 Kindle:
Vol 1 Illustrated Paperback:
Vol 2 Illustrated Paperback:

Other links:
Redbubble shop:

On Violent Censorship and Quaint Duets: A postmodern tragedy in four parts:

howl lowres

Illustration: «Howl», 2019, Moiret Allegiere


To be frank and perfectly honest: I really can’t stay. The censorious bull-dickery has been nibbling at the base of my skull far too much lately.

It’s been far too much for quite some time. But who cares about that, right? There is quite a lot of wonderment and very little worry in someone having their opinions and speech censored. It is a price I am willing to pay, as long as the filthy fascists get their comeuppance. Preferably with a bike-lock through the skull whilst being subjected to the discipline of the acidic milkshake shower. Just as long as you don’t deem my speech and conduct to be hateful, it’s all quite alright you marvellous miracle-worker of do-goody nonsense, you; you fantastic YouTube and mass-engulfing-media you!

All these calls for censorship… so astonishingly weird and confusing. It wouldn’t be that bad were it just calls for censorship. We’ve had to deal with arseholes of that nature for as long as we have held different opinions and have had culture that have pushed some boundary or other.

Eek! Won’t somebody please think of the children!”

…And so forth and so on…

For something to offend someone’s delicate sensibilities to be censored and stowed away is far more important than the freedom of other people to enjoy something that offends some hysterical screeching cat-lady with all the sense and magical reasoning of a bat-shit insane speck of dust.

I don’t think the calls for censorship is the issue. The implementation of censorship, on the other hand, most definitely is. That someone wielding some kind of power is stupid enough or brainwashed enough or pussy-whipped enough or frightened of the mob enough to stoop to censoring opinions, speech or culture because someone is offended is frightening. Or – as is more likely – because someone pretends to be offended just to get their fix of dopamine, righteous indignation and egotistical power-trip of the day.

It is even more frightening that it is opinions going against the grain and holy dogma of society as it stands today that is getting censored and deemed verboten. Freedom of expression and speech is there to protect the rights of those who do not conform to whatever social standards we are handed, given or forced into to express their opinions, however contrarian they may be. When given the illusion that everyone holds the same opinion within a society, the immediate thought is of course that people are forced to hold the same opinion for fear of punishment if they do not.

Sterile, whitewashed walls… padded cells… no room for worry here… we are all the same… of one mind… one body… engulfed by the fever and sermon… the cult of the great leader… All because someone is offended… And then it depends on who is offended. Because offence is A-OK. As long as the offence given is trudging along with the dominance of the party-line.

This censorship of speech and opinion is tyranny disguised as protection; the powers-that-be deciding that the poor huddled masses are just to frail and stupid to handle dissenting opinions and edgy teen-humour from mouldy basements; that they are too weak of mind and of will to comprehend that someone can enjoy art and culture which they themselves do not enjoy.

Oh, baby, it’s cold outside!

It is getting very cold inside as well.

Now it’s all just days spent waiting for the cops or the Stasi or the Gestapo or the KGB or whatever to knock my door down for daring to not only consume the wrong kind of media, humour, art, culture, opinion and entertainment but also for producing it.

Once, I laughed at a joke about Islam, and am now terrified for my life. I did the same about Catholicism Once or twice or thrice, but that doesn’t worry me as much for some strange reason. Imagine that.

I’ve got to get away! But getting away is easier said than done. I’m absolutely certain they are hiding in the bushes and in the poppies outside, waiting for the moment I escape from this fortified compound I call my apartment to shoot me down like a dog. No offence meant to dog-lovers. I am one. A dog-lover, that is. Not a dog. Though I wish I were. But that is besides the point.

…All this frenzied censorship and culling of the non-politically correct, of anyone labelled extremely right-wing for being slightly to the right of an amalgamation of Mao, Lenin, Marx, Pol Pot and sacred Dworkin no matter what they themselves have to say on the matter has got me reduced to a babbling mass of paranoid nerves and tendons swishing the air and screaming incoherently about the technocratic elite being out to get me! And the feminists, of course.

Oh, baby, it’s cold outside!

We are witnessing the ruination of liberal values which our societies have held dear and fought for and paid for even more dearly over the course of centuries. And it is bothering me something awful. As well it fucking should. Anyone not bothered, to some extent or other, by this must have their head up their arse and their eyes firmly fixed on their navel. From within their digestive system. This evening has been… its been dreadful.

See, I can write about it in an over-the-top, obnoxious and paranoid manner, channelling all the Hunter Thompson the world could ever want or need. At the end of the day however, it is the grim and realistic spectre of George Orwell that is floating in front of my vision; a peculiar ghost; visions and warnings of tyrannies past, present and future with an elegant moustache, whispering in a kind-of half-mocking, half-disappointed voice: “I warned you, didn’t I? I warned you several times, yet you did not listen.”

And it is grim and it is serious, and we make a toast with Italian red wine, before I tell him:

I’ve been hoping that you’d drop in”.

So very nice.

I’ve been looking for someone to talk to for a long time about this, but no-one is willing to listen to me, George. They call me mad, George, Mad! Then they insist that if I have nothing to hide, I have nothing to fear. Or to lose. And I’m just sitting here, wondering who in all the glory of Stalin’s moustache decides what is needed to be hidden and what is not? And are they really that vain and selfish and egotistical that they don’t realize that they are not safe from the tyranny of censorship which they wish to impose upon others?

…And the ghost of George Orwell will laugh sardonically and repeat what he said, albeit slightly more soothing. Then he will say that he is very happy to be dead, thank you very much. And we mucked it up ourselves despite his warnings so we’ll damned well have to fix it for ourselves! And then he tells me:

I’ll hold your hands, they’re just like ice.” before telling me to stay out of Burma, invest in gold, don’t take any gruff from these swine and so forth and so on before fading into dust, leaving me stranded in my living-room, feeling maybe slightly more uppity and a hell of a lot more paranoid than before his ghost graced me with its presence.


You know; I recall, years ago in my early teens, when I first started getting into extreme metal – a poorly defined sub-genre of music I still very much enjoy – buying all kinds of early Scandinavian black metal records as well as a mixed bag of aggressive death and gloomy doom metal; all manners of filth and fury, thinking that soon, my mother will start to worry. As is the natural order of things; a sort-of, kind-of rebellion against the values of the parental generation through shock and horror that was lacking in anything even resembling subtlety. This was back in the hey-days of Marilyn Manson and at the tail-end of the satanic panic.

Man-oh-man: remember when Marilyn Manson was threatening? What a time to be alive! Now it’s all ballads and cute and quaint duets from way back in the early 20th century we are supposed to find threatening and consider worthy of censorship, in a weird backwards role-reversal of parent-child relationship. With all the snivelling teachers pets and tattle-tales we all despised in our forgotten classrooms filling the role of concerned mother for the generation of their parents and their grandparents, as well as civilization at large! People in their late twenties or early-to-mid thirties deciding that all is offence and nothing is anything but what they decide that it is. God forbid someone actually enjoy something without analysing it to death and beyond and promptly denouncing it!

As most people probably are aware of: subtlety is not the first thing on ones mind when one is in the hormonally induced drunken rampage of horrid puberty. Quite the contrary. Just about everything is up front and centre, and the more overt the rebellion, the better. As it very well should be.

Then it blows over and it settles and one is rounded, more secure in oneself and gaining traction on the path towards adulthood, having blown off quite a bit of steam in the process.

If one allows oneself to grow up and become an adult human being, capable of accepting that someone else has the right to voice their opinion, however much it differs from ones own, or even offends, that is.

As this happens, and one starts talking to oneself and thinking for oneself, acting for oneself and being oneself, there is a striking realization that it is all so beautiful, so beautiful. So what’s your hurry? What’s your hurry, indeed? Why hurry towards some ever-changing goalpost, some newfangled outrage that is always eluding your limited grasp? It is simply not worth the fucking bother unless it very directly – through laws, regulations and infringements impacts oneself. Such as state-sanctioned, mass-media frenzied infringements upon freedom of speech, freedom of expression and freedom of association. Which is slowly, yet surely, happening throughout the western world. Call me paranoid as much as you wish: it is happening. And no labels of paranoid schizophrenia and assorted clinical insanity will change that.

There’s no need to worry too much about what other people think or do or find funny or enjoy. It is just annoying to everyone. Including you yourself. Why should this bother you? How does someone laughing at a joke you find offensive in any way, shape or form hurt you? You are not the parent or guardian of the entirety of western civilization. As such, western civilization does not need to bow down and succumb to your will for censorship of anything you consider unfit for human consumption, be those differing opinions or culture or art or music or whatever. As this might have eluded your finite cognitive functions, allow me to dumb it down for you: you are not a worrying mother for a civilization that is a dumb and rebellious teenager needing to have its curfew in place and its consumption of culture curtailed to that which you deem appropriate.

There are more than enough overbearing mothers around. Everyone and their mums would do well to loosen their reigns and let other people be as other people are. Western civilization do not need an overbearing, smothering mother bearing down on them with all the protection and nurturing of a broken bottle of opiate-laced Jack Daniels; telling us that if we are not in our beds at this hour, if we do not turn of that devil music, if we don’t cut our hair, then Father will be pacing the floor with worry and Mother won’t be sleeping either, and you have ruined the stability of the family and will be the downfall of us all.

Expecting only opinions you agree with to be allowed in the public sphere – and YouTube as well as other social media juggernauts are public spheres, no matter what you say – whilst at the same time pretending to hold liberal values is hypocritical, unthinking nonsense born from an egotistical notion that the world would be far better if only everyone agreed with you and buckled down and did as you do, speak as you speak, think as you think, believe as you believe, and so forth and so on. A multitude of differing ideas, opinions and thoughts will always fare better than a forced, overarching and governing idea proposed by ideology and enforced with an iron fist.

A tyrannical notion of inclusivity and equality where all are equal under the sun, despite the sun being eclipsed by the moon and the nonsense trembling in your verruca warts travelling all the way to your flimsy attack-womb to give birth to the Antichrist who says that in order for all to be free and to be equal, some must be unfree to speak and considered unequal in opinion so that others shall feel safe from some imagined ill conjured forth in the elitist brains of piss-drunk arm-chair politicians with a graduate degree in gender studies and another graduate degree in guerilla warfare and propaganda of the Bolshevik revolution! Because words, as opposed to actual political violence from the likes of god-damned Antifa, are violence, for some strange and peculiar reason. If the ones committing violence of the spoken word does not tow the party-line of the fair and fragile few, that is.

And now, for this fractured notion of equality and inclusion which is defiling and assaulting our liberties – and that is liberties to offend as well as to be offended – I have to sit here and rant and rave and ramble endlessly about this nonsense instead of settling down some place and listen to the fireplace roar.

There are lots of other things that interest me, you see.

I don’t have to write about this treachery.

There are lots of things that I would enjoy writing about that is not infringements – or attempted infringements – upon my freedom to express myself. This seems to me to be the most pressing, however – the most important topic of discussion in our day and age, where we will either stumble into a censorious dark-age of technocratic tyranny and globalist nonsense, or through fantastic perseverance and grit fight our way into a new renaissance where we value and welcome all manners of speech, expression, art and culture and let them die or succeed on their merit instead of being so scared and timid of disagreements that we much prefer to censor that which is not in line with the current cultural zeitgeist so that we don’t need to see it co-exist with our brave new world.

Out of sight, out of mind.

If we do not see it, it does not exist.

If we redefine a word, it changes everything. Imagine the fantastic utopia; a world in which homelessness and poverty and violence does not exist because the words do not exist, or the words are redefined and everything is swept under the rug so that we do not see it. And when we do not see it, it can not be there, now, can it? There are no suicides in this utopia, in this frantically sterile world. Death by self inflicted gunshot wounds are deemed a curious accident; overdose on pills are just the same. A curious accident. For our utopia is so fantastic and so glorious and so equal and so inclusive that one can not possibly wish to kill oneself! Etc. etc.

We can’t have nice things like free expression of ideas and art and culture, because some raging and demented and ragingly demented social justice warrior or frazzled soccer-mom with feminist platitudes tattooed on the inside of her eyelids who does not think and does not speak for being too busy screeching, snivelling and roaring at the top of their lungs, will want to remove everything not fitting in with their narrow view of how things should be.

And everyone is all up in arms at the horrors these people have to witness; someone actually not agreeing, wearing symbols they do not like, listening to music they do not enjoy, saying something that offends them, laughing at jokes they do not laugh at… For some weird reason, people listen to this abhorrent censorious madness and lunacy. The lunatics have taken over the asylum, and the voices on the wind repeat the mantra and the slogan of the offended and insane: Ban it.

Ban it.

Condemn it all to the deepest and dankest pits of hell! Can’t have anything disrupting whatever remains of balance and calm in these choke-point minds of theirs, now, can we?

And so, really, I’d better scurry.

I had better get out of here before it gets even worse. But where should I run to, and how? There is no place to run. The walls are closing in. No room to roam no more. There’s nothing to do but to fortify this apartment even more; write some more nonsense that I get displeased with, only to hear my wife say that it is beautiful, please don’t hurry – or despair!

And so I will try and relax and I’ll have maybe just half a drink more, and I’ll ask my wife to put some records on while I pour so that we, at the very least, can have a good time as the world burns around us; so that maybe we can sit down and laugh at this atrocious absurdity unfolding before our very eyes instead of having to worry about what the neighbours might think, because, baby, it’s bad out there and it is getting worse and it is getting even more bad and I’m absolutely certain that the neighbours are spying on us, prepared at any moment to report us to the Stasi or whatever it is that keeps a track on us nowadays, and they’ll bust down our door, noses wrinkled in disgust, proclaiming loudly: “Say, what’s in this drink?”, then proceed to pour enough LSD in it to kill an elephant in order to frame me for something so that they can remove me from the premises for something that is not merely protesting the status quo and the frail and frantic feminist take-over of the government and the minds of the younger generation as well as our steady decline into petty tyranny and tin-box dictatorship.


Fucking, god-damned Honk.

At the very least, they’ll give me a free car-ride as there are no cabs to be had out there any more since all the roads got paved with nails in order to force us to walk instead of drive and I wish I knew how to end this absurdity without slipping into complete and utter madness, but I don’t know how and – oh my – your eyes are like starlight now – it must be the LSD the Stasi slipped into my drink previously – and it is so terrorizing that in order to break this spell I will count the ways you wronged me and then I’ll take your hat, Mrs. Stasi madam – my, your hair looks swell…


We attempted to interview the subject, a Mr. Moiret Allegiere, on the morning of July 3, 2019. He appeared to be under the influence of some psychoactive drug or other, though that was hard to say with any level of certainty.

Later examination uncovered that he had been drinking wine laced with LSD; a rather powerful psychedelic drug.

As per regulations in situations such as these, we offered him Koolaid in an attempt to sober him up so that he would be capable of answering our inquires as to his activities since November of 2018. This had little effect, as he threw every glass we offered him at the wall, mumbling under his breath that “I ought to say no, no, no”. When asked why he did not accept this generous offer of Koolaid, he attempted to stare us down with his beard. He then proceeded to manspread like a true patriarchal oppressor, with little regard to the emotional well-being of anyone present.

This resulted in us having to bring in a new inquisitor, as <name redacted> broke down in fits of crying and literal shaking at this strange display of male dominance. We changed tactics and went for the tried and true approach of unlimited kindness and inclusivity. Not an easy tactic, of course, given the severity of the subject and his mansplained manspreading.

Mind if I move in closer?”

Inquisitor C inquired, in an effort to end the subjects obviously militant strategy of manspreaded beard-staring. The subject did not reply.

At this point, we were all at our wits end, I will have to admit, and we left the interrogation room to discuss our strategies further. As none of us inquisitors would like to admit to failure. In particular when faced with a fiend such as this.

Poor sinner; he does not know any better,” Inquisitor A stated, “at least I’m gonna say that I tried – after all, what’s the sense in hurting my pride?”

After letting the subject stew in our kindness-and-inclusivity-cell for a few hours, all inquisitors present, with the approval of the grand inquisitor, felt that the time was right to carry on with our interrogation.

Upon opening the door, however, the first thing that met us was the bare naked form of the subject – a sight, I will have to admit – that made me go temporarily blind. Of course, the temperature in the cell was slightly higher than average – somewhere in the vicinity of 50 decrees centigrade – we conceded, however, that this should not pose too many problems.

As an obvious result of this, his nudity was considered to be highly offensive.

This resulted in us charging him with sexual assault and battery.

I really can’t stay”, the subject said, in a hoarse whisper. He then proceeded to ask for water. Which inquisitor B was reluctant to deliver, fearing some kind of water-based assault. When told of our reluctance to deliver water, the subject simply stated “Baby, don’t hold out.” And asked, yet again, to be let out. As the subject seemed incapable of acknowledging the true nature of his crimes – that is intent to disrupt the peace, disrupting the peace, intent to spread misinformation, spreading misinformation, crimes upon good taste and decency, using the word “C**t” more than once, assault upon art, manspreading, beard-staring, mansplaining, manterrupting, manslamming, non-feminist activities, as well as crimes of thought, holding controversial opinions, sexual assault and battery as well as general crimes of a testicular nature and counter-revolutionary activities – we were understandably very reluctant to unleash him upon the general public, well aware of the heinous acts he has been carrying out for almost a year.

Despite it being summer, we felt that the best approach was to convince the subject that it was in fact winter, which, all things of course being subjective and objective fact no longer existing as anything but a remnant of patriarchal and white supremacist power-structures, really can not be considered lies, fibs or anything of that nature.

Said inquisitor A: “Ah, but it’s cold outside.”

Said the subject: “I’ve got to get home! My wife must be worried sick!”

Said inquisitor C: “Oh, baby, you’ll freeze out there.”

Said the subject: “Say, lend me your coat – that should help me with the cold.”

Said Inquisitor A: “It’s up to your knees out there – it’s all to do with climate change, you see.”

Said the subject: “You know, you’ve really been grand. And I thrill when you touch my hand!”

The touching of the hand was a result of inquisitor B attempting friendliness and comfort during the obvious inner turmoil of the subject in question. A tactic that was well planned out, had it not been for us not factoring in the subject proceeding to manbite the hand that comforted him, before manslamming his way to the door which none of us inquisitors had thought to close or lock, considering the passive nature of the subject after being left to calm down and relax in the kindness-and-inclusivity-cell. A tactic which have always worked before.

Upon which biting, Inquisitor B let out a scream, and in a strong and powerful and independent whimper stated: “Why don’t you see… that we are in the right? How can you do this thing to me? That really hurt!” In inclusion to the aforementioned charges, the subject is now also charged with general assault and battery of a patriarchal nature.

After manhandling his way to the door, the subject paused for a brief moment, his horrible mannaked manform outlined against the bright light of the hall outside, his manpenis swinging gently below his filthy manbeard like an improvised manclub. He gazed at us with his terrifying male gaze and said in his manvoice these words:

There’s bound to be talk tomorrow! Think of my life long sorrow; I have to deal with bastards like you all the time! At least there will be plenty implied if you caught pneumonia and died, you wretched puritans. But now, I am afraid to say – I really can’t stay. You should get over that hold out, you imbecilic purveyors of nonsense.”

The subject then manshook his manbeard in our general direction, turned around and promptly bolted out the nearest window. As one would expect, we were all frozen in pure terror and fright at this horrible display of toxic masculinity, and as such were completely unable to calm down the situation and restore order.

The subject is now on the loose, considered armed and dangerous. He must be approached with caution. Wanted dead or alive.


Ah, but it’s cold outside. A nuclear winter is looming on the horizon. A dreaded future in which all is sterile and complacent and apathetic. A future in which opinions and even facts that go against the dominant narrative is verboten, unfit for mass consumption for the perceived threat it poses against the delicate sensibilities of those who consider subjective feeling more important than fact; who consider facts and truth, reason and logic to be lies and slander or discriminatory statements despite being none of these.

We are going down the drain, flushed down and forgotten or trampled underfoot by the furious forces of basement-dwelling nincompoops pushing for a violent chaos for reasons they can not properly explain.

A generation lacking in empathy for anyone who does not share their limited and – to be honest – extreme point of view. For lack of reason, for lack of arguments, for lack of thought and conduct and empathy, they chose to beat up, beat down, rough up and pound anyone who disagrees to within an inch of their lives. Politically motivated violence from people to frail and weak and fragile and cowardly to consider the point of view of someone else. High on their own power; their own force in numbers, they become a mob – a buzzing, glaring, stupid mad, insane, rage-fuelled hive of violence and contempt claiming violence of words to justify their violent actions.

And in their minds, it makes perfect sense. In reaching the conclusion – dumb as it very well is – that words are violence, violence is then justified in order to stop violence. In considering words that they themselves have deemed to be hate-speech to be an act of violence, they have every right in the world to face violence with violence. To their fragile minds, caught in the intersection of indoctrination, brainwashing and cult-ish thinking, they are partaking in self-defence. Even when not directly attacked. And even when, by all metrics, being in the wrong, Antifa and their ilk truly believe that they are in the right.

These people are lost within a role-playing game; LARP-ing as revolutionaries; believing that they are bringing down the establishment, that they are fighting the rising tide of fascism… by implementing tactics used by fascists; the strong will survive, the weak will suffer. And the strong is the mass, the mob, the pack, the collective hiding the individual behind a mutually assured strength in black-walled numbers horrifying in their madness and violence against those whom they consider to be the truly violent ones.

These people are lost in their own demented belief in their moral superiority.

I would be inclined to pity them profusely, were it not for the fact that they hurt people immensely and with impunity; were it not for the fact that they seem immune to anything not covered by their hug-box echo-chambers, their backwards nonsense, their bored and pointless lives in which they seek so desperately some meaning, something to do, something to break the monotony and drudgery of their easy existence that they rave and roar and rampage and ridicule; that they bash and beat and break bones and skulls to gain some semblance of action, of meaning, of being part of something bigger than their pathetic weasel existence.

As it stands, I can not pity them. Nor can I hate them. I consider them a poignant tragedy; a symbol of a society sliding into pointless decadence and hedonism, into overabundant debauchery and degeneracy. A society in which living is remarkably easy, a society in which they have it so good that they feel sorry for themselves. And feel guilty for others not having it as good as they do. Lost within a society in which there is nothing to strive for, nothing to conquer, nothing to occupy the days with, nothing that gives any sense of meaning or belonging, prompting the bored beast within to go on a rampage, to complain and to bitch and to moan about non-issues just to break the pale and grey and dull monotony of every day slipping into the next day with no meaning, no point, no search, no quest, no nothing. There is no unifying idea, tradition or ideal. Just the endless fight. Preposterous petulant prepubescent post-graduate children hidden in the bodies of adults, bored senseless and prone to believing anything as long as there is some action, some feeling, something, whatever.

Oh, baby, it’s cold outside.

And it will keep getting colder as long as this tide is not halted. As long as this tide is allowed to run free, backed by mass-media pundits just as pampered and decadent and dull and bored and meaningless as they themselves are. As long as this nonsensical violent beast is given free reign, is given protection and explanation and all manner of mental gymnastics to justify their abhorrent behaviour; their killing of opposing views, their culling of inquisitive minds who do not swallow their dogma hook, line and stinker, we will see more violence, more chaos, a steady escalation of beat-downs and debauchery until someone is killed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Prompting even more escalation.

And these people preach tolerance. It sickens me.




How that word has lost all meaning. How that word has eluded the grasp of mental midgets, incapable of considering views from anything but their own coke-addled minds and echo-chambers. How that word – tolerance – has escaped the dictionary and floated into the midst of bullies, using it as nothing but an excuse for violence against those considered to not be tolerated or tolerant; using it as the sword or bike-lock or bludgeon of righteousness, when they are incapable of understanding that tolerance is a two-way street. In preaching tolerance, one must also be tolerant. And being tolerant is tolerating that other people hold views different from ones own. And that this is quite OK in a society that is not in the grip of some totalitarian tyranny.

Violently assaulting people for holding different opinions is not tolerant. It is quite the opposite. It is the hallmark of tyrants; the banner of obscene and horrible tyranny.

Which we are sliding into, gently, to mass applause.

Which we are drifting into, lovingly, to cheers and celebrations.

Which we embrace as though the worst crime in existence is someone having their feelings hurt and being offended for seeing or hearing that someone disagrees; for believing lack of tolerance in other people whom they beat to a bloody pulp for their lack of tolerance of opposing views spoken or written.

Oh, baby, it’s cold outside!

The freedom of the west is dying.

Long live the freedom of the west.

 – Please like, share and subscribe

 – Moiret Allegiere, 06.07.2019



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Woe unto the state of it all! (A slightly coherent ramble):

Disintegration lowres

Illustration: «Disintegration», A4, 2019, Moiret Allegiere


Quoting George Orwell is easy. More likely than not, it is done to death. As well as being too easy. This ramble could easily begin with a quote from that marvellous prophet, that seer of visions and visitor of the future without there being the slightest doubt about the accuracy of his wisdom or his words. It would tie nicely and neatly into the present, into the absolutely abhorrently absurd state of it all. Because who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.

I don’t think there should be any doubt about me being a fan-boy of his, drooling at the feet of his literary output and worshipping at the altar of his steadily increasing pessimism regarding the future, which turned out to be the present.

Our present.

The here-and-now absurdity of our fragmenting layers of forced and superficial inclusivity; this neglectful hallucination of altruism and equality where all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. I say neglectful, because neglectful is precisely what it is.

It has been declared by those who control the past and the present that men as a whole are the non-penitent bourgeois; the all-oppressive, non-inclusive tyrants of our day and age. And so, for forced inclusivity, for the flimsy and ever-changing notion of equality, the needs and rights and value of men must be neglected for the altruistic intentions of the inclusivity-brigade, ever and always shining the wonderful spotlight of non-discriminatory measures at the most superficial characteristics they could possibly hope to find; race, sex, sexual orientation. A lack of one and an overabundance of the other here, there, anywhere, must necessarily mean discrimination at play, as all and one are exactly the same in this brave new world we see, spread-eagled before us. And crucified for our convenience, spread-eagled and castrated on the cross, are all semblance of reason, logic and thought.

There are no differences, as differences necessarily mean, to the thoughtless tinkering thinkers of tinkering sociopathic sociology, that one is better than the other. Viewing, through this lens of smoked glass, differences in outcome as institutionalized differences in treatment instead of differences in biology, in brain-chemistry and thusly as differences of interest and of outcome.

Through this way of thinking, more men at the top has to mean discrimination of women. Of course, neglecting the fact – for philosophical convenience and convenience of conviction – that there are more men at the very bottom of society than there ever will be women. This does not fit into the world-view concocted by ideological academics with more hallucinatory and ideological dreamery than fact, truth, sense and reason. And so it can be ignored, or, through stunning mental gymnastics, be portrayed as some fault of men as a class. Because it is all about class in the modern gender-war. This gender-war being naught but a cleverly veiled and highly traditional Marxist class-warfare. It is Marxism with gender thrown in there for good measure, as well as sexual orientation, racial characteristics and so forth and so on – the path of secular feminist intersectionalism slam-dunked and bravely implanted in our brains through thoughtless wishes for absolute equality of outcome. Not of opportunity, but of outcome. Kneel before your goddess-empress, puny mortal untermensch! Kneel, and repent, and do penance for your sins!

Equality ain’t what it used to be, by golly. In my way of thinking, and I should think this is a very reasonable way of thinking, equality simply means equal treatment under the law and on the land and the law of the land. And that is all there is to it.

When all and one are free to chose their path, understanding that their chosen path also comes with other paths being closed due to limits of time and limits of options from time being a limited resource and taking personal responsibility for these choices, that is equal treatment, that is equality, that is all there is to it.

Equal treatment means just that: equal treatment. Slap as much word-dodging and word-salads and re-structuring of language on it as you wish. It does not change that fact. Treating people equally is treating people equally, and understanding that being equal means that people also need to take equal responsibility for their actions; that choosing one path and thusly closing another path is ones own personal responsibility to deal with, and not some nefarious scheme concocted by the fragile hetero-normative patriarchal kyriarchy – or whatever the current year buzzword of choice is. In short; you can not have your cake and eat it too.

Very often, the choices one has to make boils down to this or the other, not this and the other. Every choice one makes has consequences. Big or small does not matter. What matters is that we have to acknowledge this fact – simple as that fact may be. And, in acknowledging this fact, people have to take the responsibilities of the choices they make, not cry foul discrimination whenever something does not go their way for reasons of a previous choice.

Thoughts like these immediately pop into my mind whenever I read, hear or see some nonsense from some gender-studies major or other complaining loudly and incoherently about the lack of women in STEM-fields. If this is such a big concern to you, why then, in the name of the hallowed womb of lackademia and all her incoherent splendour, did you yourself not chose to enter the STEM-fields?

It strikes me as absolute arrogant absurdity; to study some useless and pointless and futile degree, then complain that women are not represented in some other and more useful degree which they themselves could have studied had they just made that choice instead of the other choice. Or had the brains, wits and will to do so.

Grievance studies” is a term for a reason. And that is what this field of study is; perpetual grievance, political platitudes and nonsensical bullshit designed to perpetuate the silly notion that women are victims of their own choices, their own choices being forced by the almighty patriarchy from them being far too frail and weak to think for themselves. Gender studies teaches this, that and the other, giving no agency to women. Simultaneously giving all agency to men, loudly claiming with double-vision and minds spinning from huffing ether all day that men – and only men – are responsible for everything bad. In being responsible for everything bad, men are also the ones responsible for fixing everything bad. By bending the knee and succumbing to the alluring succubus-will of feminism and its ideological cohorts. Both God and the Devil; the saviour and the original sin and sinner. Such a powerful force and divine will is masculinity that men are both the cause of, and solution to, all the problems of the world. Were we only to bend the knee and accept feminism into our hearts and souls, all would be fixed by men and men alone.

And so, for lack of women in STEM fields, we need to shoehorn women into the STEM fields for the perceived diversity this creates. The superficial sight of seeing more women there and having more women there, not for any talent in the field, not for their merit, but for their sex. Of course; substitute sex for race or sexual orientation if you so wish – the sentiment remains the same.

And so, for lack of women in position of leadership, we need to shoehorn women in there so that it looks good for our pre-fabricated and mass-manufactured notions of inclusivity and representation.

Representation and inclusivity is, after all, far more important than talent and merit and the hard work and sacrifice needed to gain these positions of leadership. Because it looks good in a photograph and it looks good on paper.

If there is any inequality of outcome, it must be due to inequality of treatment. And, since it is inequality of treatment, inequality of treatment is needed to fix this. Thus; white men need not apply. Thus; all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. And don’t you dare object to this, you manlet-pig, son of a thousand oppressors and defiler of virginal womanhood.

Wanting people to be treated equally, regardless of their sex, race or sexual orientation is contrary to the tenets of holy feminism, whose church is so profound as to have found the way around this silly notion of equal treatment by treating women far better than men and labelling it equality.

Any objection then, is of course painted in the gobsmacking and sacrilegious light of men just being scared of powerful women, or afraid of losing their privilege or some-such nonsense. This is because feminism acts on dishonesty when it does not flat-out lie. And it acts on lies when it is not flat-out dishonest. And round and round it goes, where it stops, no-one knows.

Men and women are completely equal in every aspect. Excepting where women are better than men. And you have to remember this bucko, wielder as you are of the double-edged sword of male privilege. It is absolutely confusing; biological sex becomes an established fact whenever women can be found to be better than men at something. Sex becomes nothing but a social construct whenever men can be found to be better than women at something. It is almost as though it is a matter of convenience, not a matter of being factual.

See, I have no doubts that women are able to do all that men can do. And vice versa. Excepting, obviously, childbirth, production of sperm and so forth and so on, these biological factors that somehow seems to elude the elucidated hordes of the feminist hive-mind whenever it suits their needs.

Biological factors like bone density and muscle-mass should also play a part in explaining the overabundance of men in professions such as police and firefighters and so and such. You know, where physical strength and endurance is an absolute necessity.

Being the stout-hearted saviours that they are, feminism remedied this by lowering the physical tests and standards needed in these professions so that more women should be let in, despite women being just as capable as men and thusly capable of competing for the job in just the same way that men do.


Women are just as capable of men, so we need quotas, affirmative action and lowered standards for them to compete on equal footing with men. This is equality on the rocky road towards insanity. Or insanity painted in the colours of equality.

When all else fails, cry discrimination.

…and the girl cried wolf…

For the sake of clarity, since the feminist hordes struggle with cancer of the reason, and as such are not able to read or hear anything without crying flaccid discrimination and insinuating that I have a tiny dick: I do not object to women in leadership. Nor do I object to women as firefighters or police-officers. I don’t even have a tiny dick. I do, however, have a big nose and a receding hairline.

But I digress.

I don’t object to women in any profession. And there are not many that do object to this, despite what the vitriolic forces of feminism claim. I am absolutely objecting to treating people unequally and claiming that this is equality. I am objecting to lowering the standards so that women should gain easier access, when these standards are there for a reason. I am objecting to the feminist notion that women can not compete for a position on equal footing with men; winning a position for merit and not for sex and gender. And I am objecting to the notion that all bad in the life of a woman is due to men as a whole.

Whenever feminist women meet some critique or other, the reply given is ever and always that it is only because she is a woman. It has nothing to do with her opinion or her toxic sludge presented as a personality.

No, no, no – it is only because of her sanctified vagina and her golden womb. What a nice cop-out. What an easy way to not having to respond to criticism. Cry harassment and neck-beard misogyny from the demonic small-dicked basement-dwellers being scared of powerful women with opinions and what-not.

This strange and peculiar notion that women are victims of their own choices show up time and again, not buried beneath some old layers of feminist academia, but right out there in the open for all to see. Women should never have to face the consequences of their own actions, as seen most exemplary in what happens when a woman gets drunk and fucks a man who is also drunk. He is painted as a rapist. She is a victim of rape. Despite both being drunk. And this is incredibly strange.

One would think that women should be treated as adult human beings, and then – when they make poor decisions in a drunken state of drunkenness – they should be held to the same level of accountability as the man who made a poor decision in a drunken state of drunkenness.

She is, for some strange reason, painted as a victim. Whereas he is not.

Men are actors, women are acted upon.

Sounds like objectification to me.

But what the hell do I know?

Must be my neckbeard creeping into my brainstem again.

This is just keeping in line with the radical feminist notion that sex is something men do to women, something women have no control over excepting being victims of his brute primal sexuality. Exemplified through the old saying that “He got her pregnant.” She did not get pregnant. She did not participate in the act. He got her pregnant. He bears the brunt of the responsibility of the pregnancy and all that led up to it. Oddly gender-traditional, is it not?

Women have no agency of their own, then, and particularly not when drinking alcohol. Alcohol is the ointment used to remove responsibility. From women. Not from men. Then, it stands to reason that women should not be allowed to drink alcohol, if they lose all responsibility for their actions when they drink alcohol.

Sounds harsh, no?

This is the inevitable conclusion of the flimsy and faulty logic of feminism when followed to its end result. Women are children, incapable of taking responsibility for their choices and their behaviour. And so, they must be protected and tended to as if they were children. This means, of course, keeping them away from alcohol, giving them a curfew and making sure that they are safely and securely tucked away in their beds round and about eleven at night. Also never letting them go anywhere without a chaperon, so as to make sure that their honour is not spoiled and besmirched by horrible, predatory men luring them into alluring nights of sullen ecstasy. Because women – to the eyes and minds of feminism – are weak of will, and easily ensnared by the webs of men.

Traditionalism is the progression of feminist ideals, don’t you know, buddy-boy!

Now, come over here and protect this woman from the lurkers in the basements and the shadows.

Do your part in protecting women from their own choices!

Do not treat women like children if you expect them to be treated like adults. Do not expect not to face any consequences for your actions, choices and so forth and so on. Do not push the burden of responsibility for drunken one-night-stands straight into the lap of the male; proclaiming virtue and fragility and virtuous fragility for lack of your own responsibility for your own actions. Do not use the morning-after regret of drunken sex to lay accusations of rape in his lap and on his drained testicles.

Equal treatment means just that; that your drunken actions are just as much your own actions as his drunken actions are his own. Your actions are not his responsibility. Being drunk does not suddenly absolve you of responsibility.

Of course, not having stupid god-damned drunken one-night stands in the first place is probably a good idea.

But that would be slut-shaming, would it not?

Even when I think this applies to men as well.

They would have no standards, were it not for their double-standards.

So, which is it?

A) Sex between two drunk people is rape of the woman, as she can not consent (even when he can).

B) Women are free to have sex with whomever, whenever they want without having to face any social ramifications for it. Despite how drunk she is.

You can not have it both ways, ladies.

Also, out of curiosity: if two women get drunk and have sex, who is the victim and who is the victimizer? Do you judge this by haircut or something? The one who is the most butch is the one who is the rapist? Or does that simply not matter, since women can never be rapists from lack of personal agency brought forth and laid upon their golden tranquil crown of princess-like unreasonable nonsense by the likes and trembling hands of feminist victim-hood?

Don the crown fantastic!

Carry the golden apple of illusionary feminist pussy-pass transcendence!

Bah, humbug! These people should be punished for their imbecility in the harshest way I can possibly imagine. They should be forced to wear wet socks lined with Lego-bricks for an entire week.

Alas that there should be such power in female victimhood that it can be easily weaponized by some women who do not wish to shoulder the responsibility of their actions.

Alas that these evil days should be mine!

When treating men and women equally; viewing them in the same light, not the bewitching spotlight of women are wonderful, it becomes very clear that women and men are just as capable. Women can do everything men can.

This also includes violence.

It also includes rape.

It also includes toxic behaviour.

It also includes child-abuse.

It also includes domestic violence.

It also includes lying.

It also includes having to take the responsibility for their actions.

Women are capable of anything men are capable of. Even the bad. Somehow, this is not considered in the shining and shimmering spotlight of equality, as all negative behaviour is considered to be masculine and all positive behaviour is considered to be feminine. Transcendently odd, I think and ponder, since gender does not matter.

When gender does not matter, and when things should not be gendered, it makes little sense for the forces proclaiming gender does not matter to gender behaviour.

To categorically label all toxic behaviour as inherently masculine and all compassionate behaviour as inherently feminine.

Both are capable of good and both are capable of bad. This is the view of men and women as equals; as being on equal footing: that both are capable of good and both are capable of evil.

That neither gender is better or worse than the other.

We happen to have different strengths and different weaknesses. Neither bad nor good, just a state of being.

The violence that men do tend to be more physical, more primal, more immediately obvious. The violence that women do tend to be more psychological, more covert, more shaded by layers of self-doubt created in their victims. Women also tend towards violence by proxy, be that by the state or by the simpering white knights, ever and always ready to step in and save m’lady from the man insulting her honour, never-minding whatever events my have preceded it.

Boys have grown up being told that they should never hit a girl. Never. Under any circumstances. They may hit other boys, though, and face far less repercussions for this.

Girls are not told they should not hit boys. And so, when they do, they hardly face consequences for this. When they are children or when they are grown-up.

Now, what does this tell us?

…violence is the domain of men, after all, and so – when a woman is violent towards a man, he must have done something. That is the view we are presented, and will be for a long while if people don’t start listening to fact, truth and reason.

Victim-blaming is, as are all things, no problem at all as long as it comes from feminism and is directed at someone feminism considers incapable of being a victim, and someone they consider incapable of victimizing someone else.

This moronic view of things; this way of looking at equality is nonsensical. In viewing men and women as equals and as such as equally capable, one must also admit to both sexes capability for violence and toxicity, for making bad decisions and then face up to the consequences of these bad decisions. One can not claim that only men do bad and women only do good, and label this as equal treatment, as viewing the genders in an equal light.

It is obviously faulty.

You don’t even need to scrutinize it.

Men act.

Women act.

Both act.

One should not be given excuses for their actions.

Nor should the other.

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 – Moiret Allegiere, 18.05.2019


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A guided meditation for the currents of the current year:

Peter Pantheist A3 Lowres

Illustration: «Peter Pantheist», A3, 2019, Moiret Allegiere


(Disclaimer: Despite the fact that obvious sarcastic and snarky satire is obvious, I have to include this disclaimer about the obvious sarcastic snarky satire of this piece since people are prone to misunderstand the purpose of something. More often than not, the misunderstanding is done on purpose. But, ah, well, that is the level we are at. This piece is obvious sarcastic and snarky satire.)

Make sure that you are sitting down or lying down comfortably. Is your room dark, are the lights dimmed? Good. Very good. Let’s begin.

Picture yourself lying on a beach which was, once upon a time, conquered by the western imperialist swine of ages past and as such ruined horribly by colonialism, losing all of its indigenous charm in the process, now being nothing more than yet another mass-manufactured tourist retreat for the well-to-do’s and the well-off’s, who have contributed immensely by the oppression and the violence inherent in the system, which of course does not include you in the slightest.

Above you, the sky is blue and the sun is shining warm and bright. A few clouds drift by, mere strips of vapour, almost transparent, not blocking out the warmth of the sun, just adding to the sensation of tranquillity and relaxation, filling your whole being with the sensation of being – simply being.

A calmness and clarity of mind fills your body and your mind as you realize, slowly, that what you took to be clouds may very well be industrial smoke from the next city over; yet another sign and signal of western colonialism and white cis-het patriarchy destroying the nobility of the land such as it used to be, tearing down the huts and burning the lands of the noble savage who lived in perfect harmony and balance with nature, and would still do so were they not corrupted by western industry and colonialism. Such a horrible thing, such a corruption is this westernised display of hegemonic masculinity, this tragedy that is the patriarchy.

You should take to Twitter to inform someone of this revelation. Go on. Just press pause. I’ll be here, waiting for you.

Back? Good. Now, let’s carry on. Make sure you are lying down or sitting down comfortably. Rest your muscles and release all that tension you are carrying from dismantling the kyriarchy, one self-righteous twitter-post at a time.

You are still lying on the beach in your minds eye. The sky is blue, a deep and marvellous shade of blue, reminding you of dreams and of childhood, of pleasures immediate and of a life simpler and less complicated than that of the current year.

All around you, you can hear birds chirping and a wind rustling the leaves of whichever trees have survived the invading forces of the hegemonic capitalist displays of toxic masculinity. The smell of the ocean surrounds you, the sound of the waves crashing on the beach engulfs you.

So calming.

So relaxing.

Focus your consciousness on the sound of the waves. Slow, rhythmic, beautiful, back and forth, back and forth in full karmic retribution and restoration. So spectacularly well-suited to cleanse all your overstressed chakras; permanently clouded and muddied by fighting the omnipresent kyriarchy. Now – let your breath follow the waves. Let your breath become the waves. Let your breathing and your self become as deep and as rhythmic as the ocean, as the waves.






There you go.

Keep focusing on your breathing, focus all your attention and all your consciousness on your breath.

Try not to think of the waves as a symbol of the rhythmic and primal thrust of male sexuality; the primeval force ever and always thrusting in and out, in and out, back and forth, back and forth in a continuous cycle of heteronormative rape by deception, subjugating women by using their very biology against them and as such turning any woman in a loving heterosexual relationship into a sufferer of Stockholm-syndrome, eternally oppressed, and in being eternally oppressed not being aware of her own oppression because she has grown to love her captor and tormentor as only a brainwashed victim of the patriarchal institution of marriage and the social kyriarchical construct of heterosexuality could be.

Try not to think that she should be liberated from being too stupid to know that she is oppressed, and that it is your duty as a proud feminist to both inform her of this and of liberating her from her prison of silk and satin and negotiable comfort.

Breathe in.

breathe out.



Try not to imagine your breath as a penis going in and out of your body, penetrating you over and over. Try not to consider your breathing as a symbolic representation of heteronormative marital rape which all heterosexual intercourse is, whether or not enthusiastic consent is given by the woman at all stages of intercourse.

Try not to picture this guided meditation as yet another sign of toxic masculinity, raping you brutally with every inhalation, with every exhalation.

You can’t, can you? OK then. That’s fine. Just fine. Take a break. Take a breather. Go on – post this revelation to Facebook and Twitter. Maybe you could even write an article or two about the dangers of ego-induced self-hypnotic subconscious rape, and how guided meditation is yet another tool of the patriarchy to subjugate, oppress and subsequently rape women; how it perpetuates a stereotype of women as passive and inactive objects, designed to do nothing but lie there, breathing and breeding. Go on. Just press pause. I’ll wait for you.

Welcome back. Are you sitting or lying down comfortably? Good. Wipe the sweat of your brow now, and relax your muscles and then we shall carry on.

Imagine the sand of the beach, the sensation of it touching and caressing your skin, not too coarse and not too soft in texture, not too hot and not too cold. Perfectly balanced and perfectly aligned with your chakras and your clean-cut karma and your kundalini, waiting to be awakened.

Try not to focus on your breathing. Focus your consciousness instead on all the different sounds you imagine around you – the birds chirping, the wind rustling the leaves, the waves of the ocean stopping and freezing completely so as not to remind you perpetually of ever-lasting self-induced rape.

Focus all your attention on the birds in your minds eye and ear, chirp-chirp-chirping away, so beautiful and so spontaneous, so natural, so incredibly free, not burdened by the weight of fighting the kyriarchichal methodology of the heteronormative patriarchy of white supremacy all day. Feel how your chakras are being cleansed as a massive surge of energy rises from the lower end of your spine, moving ever up and up along your spine as you do kundalini yoga, thinking of nothing but the sounds of calm and tranquil nature surrounding you in your minds eye and ear, hoping with every essence of your very being that you are, in fact, of Indian heritage and as such are not victimising their culture and their people by this horrible display of cultural appropriation which you may or may not be partaking in.

Try not to let your mind wander to the affront upon an entire culture, pillaged and raped by the ruinous forces of colonialism and western hegemonic white patriarchal dogmatic masculine toxicity and industrialization, trapping them all underneath the umbrella of the western industrial complex, ruining their beautiful culture with notions of western chauvinism.

Try not to picture the noble culture of those whom you consider to be noble savages being crushed under the heel of the might of the western industrial complex. Don’t let your mind wander as you realize that you are not of Indian heritage and are guilty of cultural appropriation. Try not to figure a way out of this mess through fantastic mental gymnastics, instead, let your focus again be fixed on the tranquillity of the nature in your minds eye and ear, of the slow and steady breeze that caresses your body and your mind simultaneously.

Do not breathe in.

Do not breathe out.

Do not breathe in.

Do not breathe out.

There you go. There you go. Feel how your muscles relax. Almost as though you are melting into the bed or the chair you are lying or sitting in, as if your body becomes a gelatinous mess, a blob of nothing-at-all. Try not to interpret this as some kind of fat-shaming or other.

You can’t, can you?

Have you figured out a way around your own cultural appropriation yet?


Very good.

Go on.

Take to Twitter to inform your followers about it, about how you read a book written by a Guru once upon a time when you were a small child, which so influenced your life that you have been identifying as trans-vedic ever since, and how horribly oppressed and persecuted all you trans-vedic folk have been ever since the beginning of recorded history and that really – really – were it not for the white supremacist underpinnings of the patriarchy, everyone all around the world would be born a true vedic, not a trans-vedic and as such your own cultural appropriation is nothing but yet another tool of the patriarchy and the fault of all men everywhere for doing exactly what all men everywhere – at least in the western world – have always done; keeping women from discovering their own vedic nature by forcing them to submit to the kyryarchical institution of marriage instead of allowing them to awaken all their kundalinis and all their chakras and realising their topsy-turvy buddha-nature at the same time, bringing forth the beautiful, loving and peaceful matriarchy which would stabilize the entire world and make us all hold hands, eat cake and sing “My Rainbow Race” in perfect harmony.

Go on.

Press pause.

I’m waiting.

Settled back in then?


That’s good.

Now, cleanse your sinuses and clear your mind of all thoughts and try not to remember that the swastika is a recurring symbol of Hindu religion. Try not to get angry at the fact that a literal swastika is literally placed above doorways and entrances literally all around the Hindu-world. Try not to remember that your own yoga-centre more likely than not are literal Nazis for having this abhorrent symbol of bigoted white supremacism and westernised male chauvinism waving hatefully and bigoted literally everywhere as the full frontal assault-like conspiracy of Nazism literally everywhere hits you full in the brainstem.

Do not breathe in.

Do not breathe out.

Do not breathe in.

Do not breathe out.


Keep doing that; keep holding your breath in quiet indignation as you acknowledge the fact that Nazism have infiltrated everything you see around you, everything you claim to care about; that all your trembling anarcho-communist trans-vedic feminist vegan yogic Hindu non-binary pansexual double-specied intersex two-spirit liberal progressive atheist friends are, literally, Nazis.

Try not to remember the swastika you saw in the photo taken of the Guru whose book you may or may not have read as a small child who so altered the trajectory of your life and made you a trans-vedic child of the universal harmony.

Try not to think about the picture of this gentle brown-skinned man with the twinkle in his eyes and the permanent, almost rascally, smile beneath the swastika. Try not to picture him as a white supremacist neo-nazi scumbag, which, by definition, through guilt by association, would make you and all your friends literal nazis and white supremacists.

Try not to understand that some symbols are ancient, that some symbols have more meanings and more uses than one, have been used by other cultures at other times in other places.

Now, count backwards from ten.











Bring yourself out from the meditation, gently now, gently. And then, take to Twitter to inform all your followers that it is not always OK to punch a Nazi. Bring your mental gymnastics into the fray to explain how your brand of Nazism is OK.

That maybe, you should all look into yourself and embrace your inner Nazi since you have unwittingly been using the symbols anyway, and it dawned on you through deep tantric meditation that the only true path to take in order to awaken all your kundalinis and cleanse all your chakras so that they are aligned, not only with your own chakras, but also with the chakras of Gaia herself and to awaken the buddha-nature at the root of us all is to continue the glorious forward march of the pure, true and noble Aryan race; to bring forth the shining splendour of the fourth reich and, in so doing, paying the debtors of your karma!

Please like, share and subscribe.

  • Moiret Allegiere, 17.04.2019



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Dread Mirror of Immediacy:

Enlightenment A3 Lowres

Ill: «Enlightenment», A3, Moiret Allegiere, 2019


Unreasonable demands are sung by the choir offended. Thus the web is spun. Each strand of the web leading toward the centre, manipulated carelessly and needlessly by trophy-hunting participators carelessly and maniacally seeking exclusive inclusivity in the victim-cult by virtue of myriad victim-points gathered from simply being part of the choir, all trembling vibrato and blazing accusatory eyes and fingers lined with truth-defying morality. It don’t matter whether true or not, it matters whether moral or not. So sing the soloists of the choir offended. Whose and what morality should that then be, grand orchestrator of dubious virtue?

Madness infused in vivid cocktails are served brilliantly by bartenders seeking death, destruction and despair to gain bland and half-interested clicks by stressed-out social media-junkies poked and prodded into immediate infancy; opinions claiming to be news forced down the throats of a public personified by outrage extreme, quickly bringing the imminent rage to a boil.

Lo: the choir offended screech eternally in glorious visions of paradise purged of bigotry bastardized by sing-song leaders mirroring the immediacy and immaturity of their hangers-on and clingers-on. Outlined by shades of unseen cruelty and unsung myth; hatred so extreme and so all-encompassing that we need manufacture it in order to bring the stats up, oh boy, oh man, oh queen-bee mimicking truth and evacuating her bowels to sway public opinion this way or that! The dread, frosted mirror reflecting our morality show naught but a steaming pile of shit. Nevertheless, it persists. Nevertheless, the fables are served time and again immediately, never given consideration. Listen. Believe. Even when told obvious lies and shown clearly rigged reality. Even when doubtlessly manufactured. Listen. Believe. Do not question the song of the choir.

Built upon sand and upon raging roars of silence, and then drugged and dragged beneath the waves hidden from the searchlights and the spotlights and the death-squad-madness, truth is hidden from our eyes as all hide their immediate tweet and twatter when their so-called outrageous truths lose their masks and show their faces as definitive deceit.

Such virulent and viral hatred, vacuous and hollow, sucking the life from the hive-mind and escaping from the void where social media once shone its light and bared its fangs to manipulate and then create a mob of hatred and unreason so unjust as to assume to be just in a split-second of unthinking, unblinking, unseen sensations of rage. No poetic justice for the never-mind hive-mind. Merely denial of facts and hiding, hiding, always hiding – nah, I never said that. Sure enough and yes you did, you just deleted your tweet and denied and then reversed victim order in order to be viewed as the true victim of the madness which you inflicted upon the world with your virulent hatred pointed at the one and only group-identity now allowed socially to be hated and scorned and assaulted. Stating that all men should be killed or that all men are evil caused you backlash. Look at the hate and misogyny you received by wicked women-hating men, all for being an opinionated woman on the internet. Imagine that, foul fiend of sanity: wishing death upon someone for the circumstances of their birth bring mad and angry backlash your way. Imagine that: making yourself out to be the victim when showcasing severe bigotry and sexism and wishes for death and dismemberment upon someone for their gender. For some incredible reason, this is proof that men hate women. Not that women hate men. To say it in kindergarten-terms, since that is how this hive-mind communicate: You started it! Or, even more bluntly: You smell like poop!

Alas; the choir offended seek only to offend and claim offence where no offence is given. Alas; the choir offended seek only to justify their putrid and petulant existence by pointing towards morality exempt from values and exempt from reason; a wishy-washy sense of morality supreme as brittle as a slut walk G-string, ever-changing as the course of the mob flies hither and thither busy collecting pollen to add to the hoard of the hive, or busy catching flies to bring as an offering to the centre of the web where all virtue gather in heaps of insane sludgy waste, immediate and peculiar, a brand of justice so far removed from justice, so separated from reality, that it snaps, crackles and pops at the slightest tremble of the string or poke of the hive.

To justify the existence of the hive, the web, the imminent rage sprung forth, fingers point and throw shades of shame, shame, shame upon the so-called bigots in defiance of the gibbering mouth of madness drooling and dribbling on their shoes; their morality is far better than the truth. And so they shout and so they screech and so they scream and roar and rage and gouge out your eyes instead of responding or defending their position or explaining in clear and certain terms what this explosive rage is all about.

There’s roars all around and revolution in the air, some poor bastard is chewing his tongue out in the corner for defying the pack, force-fed mediocre daytime television talk-shows all his life and dropped straight into the middle of a god-damned reptile-zoo, and someone is giving booze to these god-damned creatures. There is no survival to be had in this pack of frenzied and bloodthirsty beasts, lest one submit. Submit or be crucified, submit, or be burnt alive to be cleansed of your sins! We need revolution, for fuck sake! And no fucks given that day; the revolution will not be televised. It will be tweeted. A revolution of immediacy, change and progress for the sake of immediacy, change and progress. That is progress perceived as progress by those who consider segregation to be a virtue; who consider superficial traits more important than personality and character. Change sought due to boredom and dull complacency.

Someone polluted our air with neurotoxins, greatly affecting our intelligence. Then they poured a honeyed poison in our ears to make us frightfully afraid of something-or-other, a mythical monster from the fabled days of yore. We have to be at constant war, we need our bogeyman of the day and of the night to fight, lest we relax and feel good about ourselves. War is peace.

Should we let our guards down for a second and start existing in the present moment such as it is, we lose. Or so it seems. Somehow, some way, we need to get our fix of anxiety for the day, we need to get our fix of constant validation for our moral courage and justify our bastardized simplistic view of the world: group A good, group B bad, group C protected from all, particularly from group B. Submit, or be called a bigot and a liar by the forces thriving on bigotry and lies.

 – Moiret Allegiere, 20.02.2019


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The End is Nigh! Repent!

The Ascent of man a3 lowres

Ill: «The Ascent of Man», A3, 2019, Moiret Allegiere


It would seem, to any enlightened individual, that the world really did end back in 2012. We just didn’t get the memo, and so we are just carrying on, stuck in perpetual limbo, unaware of the fact that the world did end. The loonies and crazies were right! Go fetch your tinfoil hats. It’s not too late.

Either that, or we are living in the end-times. Which, once again, would make the loonies right. Fetch your tinfoil hats and clutch your religious symbol of choice. The end is nigh. Repent. Repent, I tell you!

In some way, I have to explain away the madness permeating the world through something other than human error, ignorance and miscalculations. I believe I can not. And I have really been suffering a lack of inspiration lately. Chalk that one up to me constantly being about two drinks away from getting completely black-pilled, I suppose. Might as well give way to religious madness and fever and loudly proclaim for one and all the coming of the rapture and of the end-times. Make room for the holy spirit! He told me to speak for the one who is known as I am!

And lo and behold: The loud-mouthed manic madness of the victim-cultists refuse to learn a lesson from their many errors. They double, triple and quadruple down on any and all error and carry on as if they are still in the right, both morally and legally. What madness is this? What strange and peculiar end-time sign should this be; this lack of awareness of self, this chronic empathetic constipation which these moral chastity-crusaders disguise as being empathetic? It is all well and good, pointing fingers and demanding others change. But how can you see the speck of dirt in your genderfluid siblings eye, whilst being oblivious to the clogged up sewers constantly malfunctioning in your own eyes and mouth? Gazing ever inwards is the one path, the true path towards salvation. Care less about the doings of your fellow xirs and xerses, and consider your own actions, gracious Xadam. Or was that Xeve?

Once upon a midnight dreary, whilst I pondered weak and weary, over many a quaint and curious you tube video of forgotten lore; as I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly, there came a tapping as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my twitter-feed. It is some visitor, I muttered, entreating entrance at my twitter-feed. Some late visitor entreating entrance at my twitter-feed.

This it is and nothing more.

Open here I flung my Twitter, when, with many a drool and dribble, in there stepped a saintly soc-jus-warrior from the fabled days of yore. Not the least sense made xe, nor the last reason spoke xir, but, with many a shake and tremble, muttered something about a curfew for men and how grand that would be.

Be those words our sign of parting, they or them, I shrieked up-starting, leave my sanity unbroken, take thy form from of my Twitter. Leave no mental dribble as a token for that nonsense thy formless void have spoken, leave my dubious home-brew, have you back into the twitter and the feeds Plutonian shores!

It is of incredible importance to understand the depths of empathetic derangement the lunatics who run the asylum will dive into. For the sake of keeping women and minorities safe, in the name of progress, we must ban men from leaving their homes at night. That is professional-level empathy right there. And yes, of course, I understand that this imbecilic nonsense-gibberish will never come to fruition. I am aware that me attacking the proposal in question is very much reaching for the low-hanging fruit. Not to mention that it happened aeons ago when measured in internet-time.

Still, it deserves its honorary mention on a early, lazy and sleep-deprived Monday morning where I have to write or draw something. Or else I get the hose again. (As an aside; at the moment of writing this sentence, my Orthodox Jesus Icon fell down from the wall for the umpteenth time, and tumbled behind my speakers. Jesus is, in fact, in hiding behind my speakers. Jesus weeps. How very fitting for this ramble.) My reason for having a go at this abject horror of a solution to all the worlds woes is quite simple: How in all the hallowed halls of the abysmal asylum, from whence these cretins came, are these people considered to have the moral high ground on all things? How is this supposed to be the empathetic side, devoid of bigotry and discrimination, when such obvious displays of bigotry and wanted discrimination are met with cheers and squeals and grimaced giggles of delight?

The answer is as easy as popping an infected pimple: they have succeeded in othering men. Men are the other; the shadow side of our suicidal societies, upon whom all scorn may be laid by the dominant discourse whom no voice must dare defy, lest they be labelled a hater of women. Obviously.

It should be noted that I have absolutely no issues with them being allowed to say this. Speech is speech. Opinion is opinion. However: try saying the same thing in regards to women, and see how far that gets you. Hell: try pointing out the feminine dark, the shadow of the feminine mystique, the mirror of the masculine shadow, the masculine dark, and see them come crawling from the floors of the asylum proclaiming that these women whom you point to as examples of the feminine dark are but individual women and not representative of women as a whole. Thereby proving your point in regards to men as individual actors, not representative of men as a whole. However: men are, to their beady eyes and flickering smirks, a grey protoplasm, of one mind. Whereas women are not. Unless it suits them and their needs and their narrative structures.

All bow before the might of the mass; this woman and her lived experience is representative of all women and their lived experience! See how she has struggled and suffered at the hands of men! So proclaim the feminist deity. That one woman who murdered her children is but one woman, not representative of women as a whole, whereas that one man, who raped and murdered one woman is representative of men as a whole and the women whom he raped and murdered is representative of women as a whole. So also spake the feminist deity.

Instead of viewing bad acts and deeds done by one human being as the bad acts and deeds done by one human being; instead of considering both men and woman capable of both good and evil, the feminist lens show men as the shadow of humanity and women as the light of humanity. The bad deed of one man is enough to paint all men as bad, and as such making all men deserving of scorn and hatred, fear and ridicule. The bad deed of one woman is but the bad deed of one woman, and someone probably did something to her once that made her do it and so we must show compassion and understanding for her plight, even if she burned her children alive and cut out the beating heart of her husband with a rusty tin-can whilst he was gagged and bound to the bed and made to watch her eat his heart with a bottle of chianti whilst his children screamed in agony in the other room as the flames engulfed them. Clearly the woman is the victim in this instance. Someone must have hurt her at some point in her life, and she deserves our sympathy and our pity. And so it goes.

Don’t believe me? Probably not. Already up, foaming at the mouth and claiming foul misogyny for me daring to say that one woman acting badly is one woman acting badly and not representative of women as whole, just as one man acting badly is not representative of men as a whole? Or being pissed off at me for claiming that the bad actions of women are given excuses and that women are given understanding and compassion, despite their heinous acts whereas men are not? I implore you to pay attention to the coverage in the media on bad acts done by women and bad acts done by men. Pay close attention. Look at the differences in language used. Take your time. Do the work. Pay attention to what is being said, as well as how it is being said. That is, of course, if you are of a mind that is open with eyes that are willing to see things that stand in stark contradiction to the dominant narrative of men as privileged and violent oppressors and women as weak victims of the actions of men, not actors capable of acting but objects being acted upon by outside forces far stronger than themselves.

Embracing non-feminism is embracing the radical notion that women are human beings, capable of both good and evil just as men are. Or, you know, you can just do as any feminist – well, anyone, really – does when confronted with opposition to feminism: pull a straw-man out of your own ass and light that on fire as a glorious effigy of the horrible woman-hating bastard on the other side of your flickering computer-monitor, instead of listening to, and arguing, the points being made by the horrid oppositional forces of evil confronting the lies and bullshit of feminism.

See, I treat the genders equally. I hold both men and women to the same standards. And the feminist hive-mind of virtue impeccable and clean don’t like that one bit. They would much prefer women to be treated as faultless; to be viewed as an unerring aristocracy, given the right to rule, judge and govern by some unnamed deity.

It is easier, and makes for a world simpler to understand when one divides it up into tribes and then paints one tribe as inherently bad, with good deeds being a rarity and not the norm and the other tribe being inherently good, with bad deeds being a rarity and not the norm. And try as one might, the world is not that simple. Nothing is that simple. Nothing is ever as simple as separating black from white. One can not see the shadow without simultaneously seeing the light. And it is humanity, not women, not men, that is the source of both the light and the shadow.

I believe most people to be good and to be acting in good faith. Most people are just trying to get by, and as such do not have the time, the interest or the ability to delve into matters at great length. People tend to take things at face value. Which, I believe, is the main reason feminism holds such sway and such power. Because, at face value, it is presented as nothing but a wish for equality between the sexes. And how could anyone disagree with that? Very few people do. And there you have it.

What should frighten anyone is the level of control and governance feminism has achieved by painting men as the shadow and women as the light. By playing on the needs of our societies to provide for, and protect, women and children. Deep evolutionary roots go deep. It is truly frightening how feminism has burrowed into our collective consciousness to such an extent that everyone is a feminist by default; to such an extent that it is considered the only voice – the one true voice – the “I who is known as I am” – of equality between the sexes. Even when they show, time and again, that they are not at all interested in equality. Human rights are human rights, but the rights of women are above that. Stop violence against women, not against humans. Stop violence against women, even when men suffer violence far more than women do. Empathy for the plight of women above all, not humanity as a whole.

Because women are the light, and men are the shadow. As such it is painted, and so it is spoken. If we do not turn around on this and view human beings as human beings; if we do not turn around on this and view the genders as complimentary and as fulfilling each other, I fear that the end times are, in fact, nigh. If we do not stop considering the church of the latter day feminists as the only voice of equality, we are doomed as a species to be locked in a constant tribal warfare where men and women are seen as being on opposing teams instead of being comrades in arms – so to speak – working together to keep our societies running as best they can. Repent! Or the end shall surely be nigh.

  • Moiret Allegiere, 13.02.2019


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Lashing out, lashing in, let me begin:

transcendence 2 a3 lowres

Ill: «Transcendence #2», A3, 2019, Moiret Allegiere


This is going to be a relatively long one. Grab a drink, buckle yourself in and get comfortable.

Last night, (14.01.2019) I woke at five in the morning with the horrible sensation of not being able to breathe properly. A reasonable person would probably have taken this as a sign of some difficulties with the heart; a cause for great concern and an immediate evacuation to the halls of healing provided by our health services. Not me, though. I engaged in deep breathing until it passed, and then I fell asleep again, and woke with the mindshattering sound of my alarmclock going of three hours later. A reasonable person would probably consider my actioan in this instance to be of some concern; a sign that I am not taking my health seriously. The truth of the matter is that I am used to waking up like this. There is a lingering subconscious panic and dread somewhere in the dark recesses of my unconscious psyche still; a vague voice whispering that I am not yet, for lack of a better word, fulfilled.

Of course, these nocturnal bouts of panic and doom has lessened immensely over the course of the past two years. Prior to this, it happened every night and was far more severe. Every night for two years, I woke with what can only be described as night-terrors, and could not get back to sleep no matter how much I tried. The confusion and pure panic in those moments made me fear and avoid sleep as much as I could; sometimes not going to bed at all, but clincing to being awake as though my life depended on it. And maybe it did. At the very least, I belive my sanity – or what little was left of it in those fabled days of yore – depended upon it.

Sitting like that, alone at night with nothing for comfort but youtube and my own random, racing thoughts gave me a lot of room to think. Probably too much room to think. It also granted me the ability, over time, to control my thoughts and fracturing mind. Not as good as I would wish, but better than it ever had or has been. Some good came of it, even if I spent three years, give or take, in a state of constant agitation and panic. It put me on a path I desperately needed to be put upon, though I did not know it at the time.

For a multitude of years, I had been going to therapy. And their way of helping me was to put me on drugs, drugs and more drugs. I was given drugs to counteract the sideeffects of the other drugs I was on, and new drugs to combat the effects of those drugs which were meant to combat the effects of the other drugs. An entire, multicoloured galaxy of uppers, downers, screamers and streamers to keep me sane. That is: to keep me numb and burnt out. To keep my mind from being my mind. Due to the amount of drugs, and the relatively young age at which I was given these, they halted my emotional development and put my life dead in its tracks for several years. Nothing happened. I was sitting in stasis – gaining weight and gaining pessimism and gaining an everexpanding sense of frustration in regards to my life – or lack of life. This frustration was very much subconscious, but manifested in several severely selfdestructive ways. Which, of course, made the psychiatrists give me more drugs. The circle was complete. And the damage was done. And the damage still lingers.

At the time, of course, I believed that the fault for my life going absolutely nowhere was that of my own and my mind, fractured and ruined as I had been told that it was, from seeing shrink after shrink since I was fifteen years old and my teenage temperament, all gloomy depression and confused anxiety, was treated as a severe mental illness. Thus, being told half my life that there was something wrong with me meant that there had to be something wrong with me.

In essence, I was brought up into illness by the hum-diddle school of psychology. This is, of course, not to say that I am not responsible for the poor choices I have made. Because of course I am. My actions and choices were and are my own. There are contributing factors, however. And a lot of those contributing factors stemmed from the psychiatric dissolution of my self through drugs supposed to help me along the way, but who at their core halted my core from growing and developing roots which would gain sustenance from myself. Instead of aiding my growth, they halted my growth. Instead of making me better, they made me worse.

Diagnosis after diagnosis was thrown at me, and nothing seemed to stick. No diagnosis was correct, and yet I was given medications to treat the diagnosis which I did not have, time and again. Faulty diagnosis – medication – faulty diagnosis – medication. And then, of course – medication to combat the effects of other medications. Whenever a certain diagnosis was shown to be wrong, they did not halt the drugs given for that diagnosis. They conjured forth a new diagnosis and gave me drugs for that as well. My medical journal is a confusing mess. As was my life at the time; mirroring it perfectly, all jumbled and confused and frustrating. I could go on about this, but I won`t. I think I have gone on for long enough. I plan to expand on this, and my experience in quitting medication and psychology, at some later point. Maybe as a book, maybe as a series of blogposts. Probably both. Suffice it to say; I learned a lot from this experience through clawing my way through hell.

Now, the reason I am bringing all this up is very simple: it has to do with the mental health – or lack thereof – of boys and men. Or, more to the point – the lack of proper mental health services for men and boys. In particular since traditional masculinity – that is to say, masculinity at all – is now considered both pathological and as an ideology, whatever the fuck that means, by the powers that be. How, then, can a man trust to a mental health service when it deems masculinity itself to be at the root of all issues a man face?

What men are told, then, when seeking counseling, is that he is ill for the simple reason that he is a man. That if he only stopped being masculine, as nature has made him, he would be better. I can not conceive of how that would help him in any way, shape or form. Picture this scenario:

Therapist: So, what`s bothering you?

Patient: Well, I am feeling suicidal. My life is going nowhere. I can`t find employment and I can`t find any field of study to enter.

Therapist: Why do you think that is?

Patient: Well, they have these gender qoutas that is favouring women in my chosen field. And due to this, I can not find employment or somewhere to study despite being qualified and having tons of experience.

Therapist: Do you think this is a bad thing?

Patient: well, yes. I think the ones that are the most qualified should get the job.

Therapist: Do you not think women are qualified to work in your field?

Patient: Not when I am more qualified than they are, no.

Therapist: That, I think, is your male privilege speaking. You are so used to getting the world handed to you on a platter due to being a man, and now you are struggling to comprehend this loss of privilege.

Patient: what? No – I don`t think that is…

Therapist: Why are you so scared of gender equality?

Now, of course, this is probably a case of hyperbole on my part. But it drives the point home. Imagine seeking help due to self-loathing and suicidal tendencies, and then being told that your very nature is the cause of your issues. And then being told that it is not even your nature, but a social construct – a supposed ideology of masculinity – that has sown the seeds of your discontent. Now imagine being a young man. Or a boy. Seeking counsel and guidance for the same, impressionable as all hell and confused from the raging tide of hormones which only puberty can bring. This therapy and poor counsel can only breed more confusion. You are not you, they seem to say. Your nature is not in your nature. Moreover – that which is not your nature and which is not you, but which you still cling to and which still defines you – is toxic and destructive at its core and need to change. And this change, it seems, is not to help you grow, but to help the rest of the world grow.

Through counselling you are beat into servitude, one phony concerned sentence at a time, smooth as a serpents hiss, all forked tongue and whispered promises of betterment; if only you would understand your inherent toxicity and privilege, all would be well. Considering that men are the group most at risk for suicide, this does not bode well for the future of men.

This is not science. This is ideology parading around town masquerading as science. It is beautifully crafted; vile hatred of men and masculinity clothed as great concern for boys and men. I can not even begin to fathom how telling a young man who is struggling with suicidal urges – or a grown man, for that matter – that the fundamental reason for his suicidality is, in essence, his fundamental being, his very core. Couple this with the constant reminder – through massmedia, through social media, through schools and education, politics and parliament, through jobs and through parents, siblings, friends and family – that men are inherently bad, that there is something wrong with men, that men need to change for the betterment of all… You`ve got a recipe for disaster. Either individually, personal and private, or socially, public and societal.

Not only is a man told that he needs to change, he is told that he needs to change for the good of all, not for the good of himself. That his own emotional wellbeing takes the backseat to the emotional wellbeing of the world. And that his hurt hurts the world more than it hurts himself. He does not matter. Even when it is his wellbeing that he pays with blood and sweat and tears to be guided towards. What he is supposed to say is quite simple: «Serviam».

I will serve.

At the expense of myself, I will serve.

Which is, honestly and funnily enough, the traditional expectations levvied at men all the way from the beginning of time. What was that about the ideology of masculinity; the toxicity of traditional masculinity? Hah! It seems we have gone full fruitless circle once again. Now, imagine a girl or young woman going into therapeutic sessions and being told this; that her very nature is what is wrong with her. Can you imagine what levels of foaming-at-the-mouth-and-crotch outrage we would have seen then? And, I would like to add – rightly and justly so.

My school of thought is that everyone should be treated equally, regardless of gender or sexuality or colour of skin or what-have-you. This, it would seem, is not the school of thought which these self-proclaimed fighters for equality and justice for all is following.

This is, of course, not to say that people should not strive to be the best they can be. Bettering oneself and growing as a human being is of incredible importance, and gazing ever inwards deeply and labouriously is a important tool in doing just that. Know thy self, as the saying goes. When we have a cultural zeitgeist telling men – and only men – that they are flawed and need to change, however, we are at a loss of balance. Selfimprovement is not gendered. Nor is faults and flaws. Every individual, regardless of gender, has faults and flaws and room for improvement. Letting the faults of the world rest solely on the shoulders of one group is disingenuous at best and pure viscious malice at worst.

The outrage at claiming there is something wrong with the very nature of women would be immense. Of this, I think, there is little doubt. Claiming that there is something wrong with the very nature of men, however, is equality and justice made manifest; a social justice feverdream conjured forth from a mass-brainwashed collective psychosis, enginereed and finely crafted over decades. The genders should be treated equally. And so, we must teach men that there is something wrong with men – we must teach our societies that there is something wrong with men and nothing wrong with women. In the name of equal treatment. Summed up thusly: Men bad, Women good. For equality, for justice, for truth and mad pathology. One for one and all for one.


Now picture a young man. Confused by the hormones coursing through his body at the peak of puberty. Confused by a troubled upbringing, perhaps, or the loss of a loved one, or a lack of direction. Maybe only confused by life itself, and in need of some guidance and some help to overcome some obstacle or other. And so he seeks counselling. He seeks therapy. If only to gain some perspective, or to vent his frustrations to someone who`s job it is to understand and lend an empathetic and helpful ear. Someone who gets paid to help someone overcome difficult obstacles. And he vents. He opens up. He tells all. And is told that the reasons he feels like this is that he is conditioned to not feel – that he has been cast in the mold of oppressor and tyrant by a society which, apparently, only has his best interests in mind. That he should cast aside his notions of who he is and replace it with who his therapist thinks he should be. And who his therapist thinks he should be is far detached from the reality of who he, by nature, is. And who his therapist thinks he is – tyrant and oppressor, privileged and pampered – is far detached from the reality of who he, by nature, is.

Now, would not this cause more confusion? Would not this fester in his mind like a tumour; growing and growing more and more the more he is told that he is at fault for his own issues by virtue of his birth? Mix the condemnation levvied at men and masculinity by the educational system which he is forced through into the mix, toss the misandry imposed upon him through the news which he absorbs and the girls in his class into the cauldron, stoke the fires with politicians telling him that he is evil incarnate and that he has no real issues to worry about and that he should bend the knee to help girls and to help women overcome the obstacles which he is directly or indirectly responsible for by privilege inherent from birth. And now, bring it to a boil with a family which tells him the same.



Done and dusted.

Cleared, cleaned, clinically insane.

And this is what our culture celebrates – a constant demonizing of men for the perceived benefit of not the men in question, but the world around them. And we dare paint this travesty as being of benefit to boys and men. We dare paint it as a major benefit, which sees boys and young men dropping out and burning out, not participating nor launching, but washing up on the dust-and-cobwebbed-bedecked shores of our cultural wasteland.

Any voices raised – by the boys and men in question, or by others concerned – in opposition to the proposition that boys and men need to be socially enginereed into useful objects, helpful to all but themselves, is shouted down and held forth as a shining example of exactly why we need this misandric turn of page and phrase, this hatred disguised disgustingly as concern. It is a lose-lose situation. For boys and men.

What the claim is is of course: oh, no, it`s not all men. (Excepting, of course, when the same voices shine through the fog with a beacon saying #yesallmen) It`s just the bullies and the rapists, the harassers and the violent carriers of toxicity, of the virus of masculinity. If you should feel offended by the message, it means you are one of them and so you prove the point of the message. Clever. Very clever. It`s that worldwide emotional manipulation poking its bedazzled head out of the sand again, turning the victim into the victimizer. Agree with the message, and you are a good man and it is your job to stop other men behaving toxically. Object to the message, and you are one of the bad men and proof that the message need be told. One man is responsible for the actions of all men, which is to say that all men are responsible for the actions of one man. When that action is bad, that is. Flip the script, and you will learn that one woman is not responsible for the actions of all women and that all women are not responsible for the actions of one women. If they are bad. If they are good, it is a cause for celebration of all women. Women good, men bad. The bad done by one man is proof of the wickedness of all men. The good done by one woman is proof of the kindness of all women. Nuance is dead. Both men and women have the same capacity for both good and evil. This is forgotten in the gender-wars and the propaganda of the language therein.

A man can not win either way. Either we need to change, or we need to make other men change. To serve and to please, to serve and to protect. Or to kill ourselves in the process; to fail at life and withdraw into the nothing, into the ether. To be drugged unconscious and met with naught but disdain in the public and the private sphere, and being met with naught but distrust and blame-and-shame when we seek therapy and understanding from medical professionals who`s very job is to help and aid. And then to be forcefed a multitude of drugs to suppress our nature, quite literally being turned into mindless inactive zombies incapable of participating in any way, shape or form.

The result is a generation of boys and men turned away at the gates of life; denied the respect and compassion, understanding and empathy which they deserve. An entire generation of boys and men being taught from birth that there is something genuinely wrong with who they are at their very core. This, one would assume, is not proper behaviour towards any group of people. And one would be right in assuming this. Such as it is, our societies need their sacrificial goat – their idol to be shouted at and despised and blamed for the ills of the fracturing world we see before us, and simulatenously being told to fix it: both God and Devil. It is a mass communal unleashing of frustration and the Jungian shadow of humanity itself. The evil and vindictive force within us all. Men are the only group in society upon which this vindictiveness, this hatred, this frustration and this perplexing shadow of our souls and psyches may be unleashed with impunity. And they dare label it as compassion and concern for boys and men!

Don`t believe it? Try throwing the same vile abuse and everchanging demands for change at any other group in our splintering culture, and see how far that gets you. Try telling women as a group that they need to change. Or blacks. Or muslims. Or jews. Or homosexuals. Pick and chose, and see how far you get before the armies come marching at you from the virtuous anthill of the chronically concerned and offended.

This hatred and abuse get internalized by the boys and young men in question. Creating ever more need for therapy and psychiatric assessments of their being and of their ruptured psyche. Yet another of those viscious and vacuous circles manufactured by our daycare-societies. And being met with drugs, disbelief and disillusioning tales of their inherent privilege and propensity for oppression and toxicity in therapeutic sessions from beyond the wide-eyed wonder of the massmanufactured concern-trolling of this noxious fume of feminist indoctrination, they come to believe in the evil of their being. And the mood changes, the mood spirals ever downwards and, in lew of understanding, they are given more drugs. Causing the mood to descend further into the abyss. And the abyss opens wide to engulf them and swallow them whole. Perpetually lost boys floating aimlessly in a continuing vacuum; emotionally flatlined by neurotoxins and with a growing rage and resentment for which there is no release, no understanding and no help.

And as men are drawn towards action in times of personal crisis, they reach a breaking point and lash either outwards or inwards. Drawing from the core of their being; the masculine call to action which has been supressed and denied and labelled as inherently toxic. They snap. As one does, who has stared into the abyss for far too long. Manifested most often in selfharm and selfdestruction – or – more visibly destructive to society as a whole, it manifests as them taking others down with them in a blaze of fire and fury. This is where you get your mass-shooters and mass-murderers, your posterboys for toxicity and hatred.

And then, refining and re-engineering the circle once again, this is a call for the media to write articles on what is wrong with masculinity, holding these individuals forth as definite proof of the fact that there is something fundamentally wrong and defective with boys and men; not showing the least bit of concern for the tragedy which happened and having no qualms in using it as a tool to push ever more anti-male sentiments, stoking the fires already burning under the feet of the young boys and men which are doomed to failure and bound to lose in a society who`s blatant hatred of them is veiled as concern for their wellbeing!

Imagine for a moment what would have happened if these young men were shown compassion, understanding and empathy instead of ridicule and scorn. Instead of being labelled as incels or virgin-losers by feminisms doctrine when they voiced their opposition, or being marked by birth with the sign of the devil; a swinging cock and balls eternally flagellating the poor oppressed under their naturally oppressive nature.

Ave, Ave, Feministas.

This doctrine creates men there is something wrong with. Men ruined and broken by a society which claims to care equally for all, but which shows time and again that it cares nothing at all for men and for boys; a society in which men and boys are told to man up in order to help women and to attack their brothers for perceived trespasses on the virtue of women. Men, you need to help women. Women, you need to help other women. Noone needs to help men; they can help themselves by bending the knee and helping women and only women. That is to say, as stated time and again: by helping feminism and only feminism. Not only that; they are also told that manning up is proof of toxic masculinity; the suppression of feelings inherent in the toxicity. So man up and help and don`t man up and help by not manning up. Only express your feelings in a way suitable to feminisms gold standard. Meaning: express our feelings about men and masculinity, and share our emotions.

I have stared into the abyss of selfloathing myself. For years upon years; indoctrinated into the eternal victimcult, being reminded over and over that it is me and only me that is at fault. That my being is wrong, defective, destructive and hateful. I have been told that we live in a society in which women are oppressed, and I have seen time and again how this is not the case. Yet; I could not see through the veil across my eyes nor break away from the chokechain around my neck. I considered qoutas and affirmative action a necessity; proof of womens oppression when it is, in fact, proof of quite the opposite. Preferential treatment is not proof of oppression. One being treated better than the other – at the expense of the other, I might add – is not proof of the other oppressing the one. It is proof of the one being treated far better than the other by the other, which is claimed to treat the one worse. And, yes, the words «One» and «Other» are used with a purpose in mind. We are othering boys and men, turning them into second-class citizens to be treated with mistrust, and if not mistrust, then downright fear and loathing. And we are turning women into the One, a saving force and perpetual grace; an aristocracy which we must never contradict, never oppose, under pain of social death.

As with most boys and men, I lashed inwards as the abyss stared back into me. And as a result of lashing inwards, I was drugged into oblivion, balancing on a razorblade and tiptoeing through existence with no goals, no mind, no motives, no nothing. Psychopharmaceuticals scorched my neural pathways and burnt a hole into my mind who`s damage still lingers with me, running through my mind and my body in white scorching lines manifesting as chronic pain and chronic fatigue. Still burnt out; four years after ending my days as a drug-mule for the pharmaceutical bliss of our un-empathetic psychiatrists offices. And I am pissed off. Rightfully so.

My days of lashing inwards is drawing to an end. I employ the pen and what little energy I still have left to explore ideas and to lash outwards in a more cerebral manner; employing what explosive energy might linger in the core of my being in an attempt to change minds and inspire others to do the same; to partake in the battle of ideas we are caught up in.

We need to show that we deserve respect and understanding, compassion and empathy. And we must stand still and strong in this storm. And in standing still we move ever forwards on our path to make our societies understand that boys and men need to be met with empathy and understanding, not ridiculed, shunned, feared and blamed when opening up. We need to turn this tide and we need to stand together to do so. What differences we may have in our core values – traditional or non-traditional, conservative or liberal, etcetera, etcetera, need to be forgotten and put aside for the moment so that we can focus our energies towards a greater good; showing that masculinity is inherently good and that men are inherently good. Cooperation across the board is what we need.

There is a mass-awakening to be done. Imagine if boys and men were met with empathetic ears and, through action, shown that it is in fact our current cultural zeitgeist that is flawed at it`s core, not them. We would see far less mass-shootings. Far less men snapping. Far less men committing suicide. Feminst doctrine have created a self-fulfilling prophecy in their toxic masculinity narrative. And, I suspect, they are intensely pleased with themselves about this fact. Men and boys need to support other men and boys. And we need to stop internalizing the constant feedback-loop of hostility and negativity we are met with. Make the feminists live by their own rules by stating, quite simply: «If you belive that the genders should be treated equally, then you ought to start treating the genders equally». Or do not engage at all; there is no use in debating someone who has no interest in listening; who`s only concern is to speak and to have their voices heard at the expense of the voices of others.

If something is OK to be said about men in general, then it is OK to be said about women in general. If it is not suitable to be said about women in general, then it is not suitable to be said about men in general. Use their rulebook against them. Do not internalize hatred. Be strong. Be proud. Be yourself. And never let anyone condition you into believing that your masculinity is toxic. Stand still, holding a candle of self-respect to your heart and whisper to yourself: «Non serviam».

I will not serve.

For the sake of myself, I will not serve.

– Moiret Allegiere, 19.01.2019



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