Rebellion? We can get it for you wholesale!

When I was twelve years old, I received my first ever punk-rock record as a gift from my father. The record in question was “Nevermind the Bollocks – Here’s the Sex Pistols”; a record that is now legendary in both reverence and ridicule, loved and honoured by punk puritan snobs and self-important music historians of the same snobbishness just about as much as it is loathed and lambasted by punk puritan snobs and self-important music historians of the same snobbishness.

I think it would be safe to say, with no exaggerations, that this record completely changed my life. It was that raw energy and anger, the blaring guitars and pure piss and vinegar speaking directly to my dormant, yet slowly awakening teenage rebellion from thirty-something years before my time. It was an absolutely amazing epiphany for me at the time; pure rebellion roaring, screaming and snarling at me, forced out of my very poor and tinny speakers that did nothing but add one more layer of anti-musician musicianship to the severe lack of musical talent on display within their Rotten ranks and Vicious vulgarity. It was pure bliss. I had never heard anything like that before.

To this day, I still own that CD. And a first pressing on LP. And on Cassette. Would have gotten the eight-track as well, were it not ridiculously expensive last time I checked. Probably sounds odd that I had never heard anything like that before, considering that I was born in the eighties and grew up in the nineties; the decade of heroin, cynicism and grunge, that saw punk-rock become a mainstream pop-phenomenon, with all the corporate-sponsored pseudo-rebellion a boy could eat, telling kids that it is quite alright to rebel, as long as you do it within the hours of five pm and ten pm and then only in a manner acceptable to your parents and your corporate overlords.

And only if you wear the clothes associated with this particular brand of rebellion; bought from these selected stores (trademarked) that are the only accepted purveyors of edgy teen angst and melodramatic middle-finger t-shirts aimed squarely at the establishment. That is – the very same establishment whose clothes of overpriced wholesale edginess generates a vast amount of money for them. And only them.

Now, there is a very simple reason for me not hearing anything like it prior to this record falling into my pimpled pubescent lap and waxy, sweaty ears. No satellite TV, no cable TV, no MTV and no internet. And a distaste bordering on the manic for radio-transmission. For some strange reason.

As a matter of fact, I did not get a stable internet connection until I was about 25 years of age, for reasons of me moving from one cheap and shitty bedsit or apartment to the next in my wandering and rambling student-years where I did my best to get myself an edu-ma-cation, only to drop out and become the splendidly bearded pseudo-hermit you now hear or read before you, muttering something into your ears or eyes about these god-damned kids of today and their fancy new genders, music and interwebs, whilst I’m still clinging to all the artistic ambition and illusions of literary talent I had back when I got that record in the first place.

Ah, memories, nostalgia and grumpiness.

The DIY aspect of punk-rock was promptly forgotten in this era of heroin-infused cynicism or bubblegum-pop naivety, leading us down the path upon which we now tread I suspect, where the concept of rebellion is bottled and sold wholesale and in bulk to young men and women with more disposable money than sense, and more wretched solipsist self-aggrandizement than the ability for introspection and self-awareness. Or doing anything themselves, for that matter.

Selling, buying and shouting slogans is all well and good, I suppose. If one have no arguments beyond the slogans shouted as supposed shut-downs of severe and sanctimonious magnitude. It looks good on camera and on social media to oppose this and oppose that, to oppose the high-and-mighty establishment from deep within the claws and clammy hands of the establishment; saying in a voice that is echoed by one and all – including the political and corporate establishment, which is more or less the same thing in this honky-tonk timeline of ours – that I oppose the establishment, brave rebel without a cause that I am.

The establishment of course being the patriarchy, the kyriarchy, that foul and terrible nest of pale, male and stale cigar-chomping, manspreading and mansplaining oppressors these bought-and-sold-by-the-pound rebels against other peoples god-given right to have opinions imagine in their minds eye. These foul oppressors that have made the western world so wretched to live in that they not only have the freedom to protest an invisible and made-up enemy, but also have the disposable income to buy all manner of edgy clothes and hair-dyes to really showcase their rebellious nature, and of course being able to pay for the internet as well as the overpriced Apple-products they use to bitch and complain in their witch-hunt-ways on well established social media like the pawns of the establishment that they are, bought in bulk from corporations and celebrated by established flingers of shit-laws and piss-pot-hate-speech-introductions, feeding the beast that sees fit to limit our ability to express ourselves and thusly our ability to rebel.

Now, ain’t that something to consider?

These newly fanged and founded rebels of our day and age are rebelling against freedom and liberty. Against the right of other people to speak their mind and state their opinions.

Whichever hate these rebellious rodents of corporate glee and establishment splendour wish to spew, they should be free to do so. Hatespeech is only ever something that comes from other people, and social justice is something that only happen to other people. There is no hatespeech in their throats and periodontitis mouths. For some groups must be protected above other groups, for equality and equity, dont’cha know? And the groups that are not protected from speech which they may find offensive are the privileged groups, by popular decree and governmentally sanctioned fear and loathing. Whereas those groups that have special laws in place to protect them from speech which they may not like are not privileged, despite having private laws being more or less the definition of privilege.

But lets not get into that, shall we? This is the current year, and my sources tell me that reason and objectivity has no place here. Nor, it would seem, is there place in this current timeline for people being treated equally under the law. That would be oppressive, ya know, ya see, ya ought well to have learned by now. Now check your privilege and fuck off.

Social justice and the oppression-olympics have come to mean that a feminist stating that all men are rapist scum that should be killed as a preventative measure, reduced to and maintained at about ten percent of the population is not hatespeech. Should one, however, add the word “black” in front of “men” in the sentence above, one has a problem on ones hands. For that, dear misogynist mansplaining friends, is hatespeech.

Or a social justice warrior urchin of pompous arrogance and aristocratic allegiance may state, quite blatantly, that white men is the greatest problem this world has ever seen; the cause of all the terror and the trembles and the nausea he or she or xe or xim may feel whenever their bigoted eyes fall upon the lack of pigmentation on his foul rapist-face, labelling them all bigots and racists and sexist scum, seeing no hypocrisy in xers xrandiose xatement. And this is not considered hatespeech by this den of thieves and liars.

Worrying about Islamic terrorism, however, is deemed hatespeech by the terrible forces that be trembling at their knees at anything opposing their chosen narrative and chosen hero of the hour; that hero being whomsoever these establishment-financed-and-sanctioned rebels against the state and the establishment and the state of the establishment have decided is the most major of minorities currently crawling through the sludge of our sewer-system societies.

The oppression-olympics is in full fucking swing. There is currency in perceived oppression, and those who dabble in the black-magic-arts of the oppression-olympics are fully aware of this, using this currency for all they can in order to gain power over both society and those whom they consider their enemies, winning the war and gaining ground by shame and ridicule instead of reasoned arguments. For opposing hatespeech-laws and the infantile reasoning behind it on grounds of liberty and freedom and justice for all must necessarily mean hating those who currently reside at the top of the oppression-totempole. Otherwise, one would not object to rules and laws and regulations regulating what people may say and – by extension – what opinions people are allowed to hold.

Any society under whose rule one is not allowed to utter certain opinions… any society under whose rule speech is dictated by governmental rule is not a free and open society. Opposing governmental limitations on speech on general principles of freedom and liberty for all does not mean anything but wanting people to be free to speak their mind, whomsoever these people may be and whatsoever they may hold as their opinion. And this wish for absolute freedom of speech is one I hold as one of my core values; that each and everyone should be free to say and to speak and express whatever they so wish and desire. No matter if I myself agree completely or disagree vehemently with what is said and expressed. For that, my dear children of the post-2012 apocalypse, would be treating everyone equally.

Extending everyone the right to speak, the possibility to have their speech challenged and to hold whatever fucking opinion they hold regardless of skin-colour, political belief, religious belief or lack thereof, regardless of sex and gender and other arbitrary factors that have become the go-to defining aspect of ones life in this preposterous auto-cannibalistic holographic image of reality we inhabit, is treating people equally.

Generating laws and regulations designed to protect certain groups of people does nothing but elevate these certain groups of people above the plebs and peasants; to treat them as some manner of unerring aristocracy which one must never contradict or ridicule, whose statements, however faulty, may never be challenged for fear of punishment by the state. This can not, under any circumstance, be regarded as people being treated equally under the law. For people to be treated equally under the law would mean no special protection under the law for those groups of people whom we have decided in our imagined kindness-and-inclusivity are deserving of some manner of privilege and pampered protection under the grand and majestically swaying tits, inflamed ovaries, neutered balls and flaccid cocks of the governmental ban-hammer fantastic.

In upside-down-land, “equality” have come to mean treating some groups with special privilege and others without. For we have been lulled into sleep and hypnotized by ideologues who tricked us into believing that certain groups have always been privileged and so, to balance the scales, other groups must receive the same amount of privilege they imagine these other groups have. And this must be written into law. If no law exist to protect your group, you are by definition privileged. As opposed to those who are privileged enough to have private laws guaranteeing their special protection for being a precious and more worthy segment of the human population than you and your group is.

These are strange and mysterious times, dangerous and damaging. If our societies carry on with this downward spiral into censorship of speech and thusly of opinion, what once was beautiful will be completely lost. More so than we are at this point in time. When we are stuck with an entire generation that see no problems arising from limiting the rights of people to speak their mind; an entire generation that have been spoon-fed a certain kind of pseudo-rebellion that aims to imprison the mind instead of liberating it – for make no mistake, limiting what people are allowed to speak will also impact what and how people think – we will end up with a mono-culture. That is: a culture in which all thought, behaviour and speech is uniform, synthetic and mechanical. Where each and every response to anything is pre-manufactured and doctored to be the correct response, lest one should fall foul of some nefarious wrong-think and be cast out and imprisoned. One would, if one was so inclined, not be completely amiss in thinking that the political establishment have no second thoughts in governing peoples individual lives in minute detail. For they have willingly sought power, have they not? And anyone who willingly seeks power is, in the opinion of this majestically handsome juggler of words, one to be looked at with some severe suspicion.

Where once rebellion sought freedom of expression, sought the liberation of the individual, to cast off the restraints of society such as they were… rebellion now seek to curtail expression, imprison the individual and force new and fresh restraints in place to chain the individual to the collective so that the individual is indistinguishable from the collective… taking part in a certain subsection of society – that is, a community of like-minded people with the same interests aiming for a common goal – will be forgotten in place of identity-politics that force one to take part in a collective based upon superficial traits instead of similarities of interests or of thoughts or of opinions. The cerebral have been replaced with the visceral; the psychological replaced with the physical. The freedom of the individual being forgotten and neglected for the safety of the collective. And that is safety only for some collectives, leaving only enmity and rage left for other collectives.

Against this, one should and one must rebel. As long as one is able.

…Don’t be told what you want, you want/and don’t be told what you need/there’s no future, no future/no future for you/God save the Queen…

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  • Moiret Allegiere, 21.08.2019


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Here and Now: The Dawn of the Honk.

In remembrance of Notre Dame A3 lowres

Illustration: «In memory of Notre Dame», A3, 2019, Moiret Allegiere


Here and now, like conjoined twins fused together at the wrists, sharing the same pounding pulse and trembling beat of neo-neuroticism disguised as strength and courage, celestial government bodies align with ridiculous demands over-reaching in their moral grand-standing and demands for conformity in thought as well as speech.

Vast powers claiming to fight the powers-that-be have become the powers-that-be, the autocratic hyper-tense authority whom they purport to fight, whose souls sole purpose is demanding suppression of speech and of thought and of ideas whose fluctuating neural patterns viewed through macroscopic histrionics are considered wishy-washy hate-speech by control-freaks governed not by some concrete idea or concrete concern for anything but using power for using power, might for might, submission for submission.

Beneath the glowing bulbous ball of vibrational intensity that is the harlot sun of necromantic glee and splendour, all voices align in speculative speculation to demand recognition of them and theirs and is and isn’t, which is to say: “what hate we utter is not hate for we hate only those who hate and we are the ones to define what is or is not hate.” Genius reconstruction of language, mutable, undefinable, flat-on-its-face donkey-punch ridiculous; language re-defined to mean and to say not what the speaker says but what the listener claims is said instead.

That over-reach, so preposterous as to assume the listener being capable of mind-reading and, in reading minds, attributing purpose and intent which was not there and is not there, yet will be created to be there by powers falsely trembling from some manufactured threat to their own safety, governed not by their molly-coddled mannerisms or hysterical demands for safety-bubbles, but governed by their lust for might and power and complete and utter domination.

Lost now beneath the waning waxen moon of hard-spun lie-fuelled gibberish, we see shades of doubt cast from pinnacles of learning. What used to be pillars of our world and vision and wordly vision of thorough thought and knowledge; our academic splendour turned on its head and becoming lackademic lackademia, lecherous, leprous, treacherous centres for politicised nonsense and abhorrent hatred defined peculiarly as right, as proper, as truth and beauty and justice whilst telling us, with straight-laced smiles and fractured grins that there is no truth, there is no beauty, there is no justice, there is no anything, only a wide chasm of absolutely nothing.

Nothing is true. Not even the aforementioned is true. Not even nothing is true. Hit me with your spasm-stick, your trembling Greeko-roman tragedy, your best bipolar persona laid in chains from self-indulgent fantasies of being enslaved and tell me, once again, that in order to be free, others must be denied their right to be free. Freedom is slavery; and to speak freely one must suppress ones speech so others shall be free from your tyranny of thoughts and mouthy vibrations hitting the wrong cosmic frequencies so that we do not get the free feeble freak-outs, so we are hit with them ol’ cosmic blues again, mama! Through this we falter. Through this we fall, and liberty dies to the thundering applause of those who do not think that they will ever put one toe over the line hastily drawn in the sand; a line whose position is not fixed but will be moved back and forth, back and forth at the feeble whimsical will of those who wield the power to tell others which thought is proper, which speech is correct, which opinion is the only opinion one should hold.

All our notions of liberty, of freedom, of emancipation from tyranny and horrid authority whose might and reach should never reach into our minds and thoughts and words and opinions being buried six feet beneath the plasticine mud and soil of our synthetic blocky buildings, our micro-chip buildings whose shoulders carry the blunt and brute force made ready to suppress our speech for daring to voice opposition to nonsensical demands for governed speech and thoughts; for blind and herded conformity in packs clad in grey, whose thoughts are grey, whose skin is grey, whose life and outlook is grey and fragmented, rupturing, as all the world and all its people become soul-less, monotonous, herded into compliance under the letter of the law demanding that you shall not speak this, think this, feel this, opine this. Or, for lack of law or lack of letters, subjected to mob rule demanding the same all the while the law and the letters and the letter of the law looks the other way as the pack closes in on you, trampling you beneath their boots or hollow television-screens demanding you become one of them, to think like them, to speak like them, to act like them, to hold the same opinions as them or to be cast away from underneath the warming glow of our newfound lack of journalistic integrity whose sole purpose is to shame wrong-think in the obsessive micro-aggressive lingo of our day and age! In our folly, we accept. In our folly, we submit. In our folly, we bend our heads and we dare not object to the culling of our minds and thoughts through incremental steps. Today, the non-conformists. Tomorrow: the world!

Our flip-flopping slippery slide into tyranny is packaged as beauty and justice, as safety and non-harm to all. Forgetting, in the moment and by design, the harm done to those who wish to voice opposition when, beneath our feet, the ground is eroding and our madness is evolving into mutually assured societal suicide. Pretending safety. Pretending justice. Pretending freedom from harm. Like children playing God. And all who do not fear, who cheer it on, who partake in creating laws to govern speech and regulate thought are lost in their own moral arrogance, thinking that their being, that their soul, that their moral integrity is above and beyond reproach and that they will never suffer the fate of those whose life they will attempt to ruin for the crime of having a wrong thought, of holding opinions and using words that is painted as wrong, doubly and triply so. Implementing laws limiting speech will damage one and all, even those too arrogant to see that they themselves are not the clean paragons of virtue they wish themselves to be. And yet, this is the point we are at. This is the cosmic over-reach drawn from governmental decree; do not say this but do say that. In order for all to feel safe, no-one should feel safe to speak their mind on certain topics judged controversial by supposedly oppressed minorities who, despite being oppressed, wields the power to tell others what to say, what not to say, how to say it and how not to say it.

It is Pythonesque absurdity, over-analysed Dadaist irrationality. To think that I should live to see the collapse of truth, of beauty, of sanity; to see the world around me tumble into decadence, into hedonistic tunnel-vision and a loss of self so perplexingly selfish as to be painted as selflessness, despite being nothing but personal grievances amplified to the umpteenth degree and painted with strobe-light effect as issues affecting all of whichever identity-group one represents, or claim to represent, through tribal pipe-dreams like echoes of ages past, mirroring the dawn of mankind in its simplicity; my tribe good, your tribe bad.

Maniacally, we accept. We impose limits on speech, on words, on sentence-structure. We allow a small group of people to re-invent language, deciding through miraculous revelations, which words mean what, which words are accepted words and which are not, which words are deemed offensive and which words are fully acceptable despite being offensive in nature and by design; despite being language created to shame and to blame one group of people, one tribe, if you will, the non-dominant tribe in our kaleidoscope cultures. Mansplaining. Manspreading. Manterrupting. Manslamming. Toxic masculinity. Fragile masculinity. Testosterone-poisoning. I have no interest in banning these terms, these words, this flaccid and divisive terminology. It is interesting, however, to note, that the push to get rid of gendered words and gendered terminology does not include words and terms made for the sole purpose of shaming and blaming men. It is almost as though one would be inclined to believe that the notion is not equality for all, but suppression of thoughts, words, sentences and notions that could hurt the feelings of one of the myriad protected tribes, while allowing for ever more sentiments designed to attack that one tribe who is, oddly enough, considered to be the dominant tribe, despite all other tribes being granted special protection. Which, in turn begs the question: If all tribes, but one, are protected – what does that really tell us of the one tribe that is not protected?

When you get right down to it, when you cut through the fluff and the fancy and grind your way down to the bone, it becomes clear that, if all tribes and all people and all groups of people are supposed to be safe from having their feelings hurt by people who present opinions or facts they don’t like, nothing will be spoken in the end. No matter what one says, no matter how benign, no matter how inoffensive and tame and common-sense it is, someone, somewhere, will take offence to it. And, if all feelings are to be considered holy and as such not to be hurt – in the name and guise and formal dress of the ever-fluctuating word “equality” – all must be protected from it, and so all speech must be curtailed, all sentiments destroyed, all thoughts devoid of meaning, all sentences synthetic, preprogrammed and pre-approved by a mighty force who claims to know, with absolute certainty, what is or is not offensive, what is or is not meant by one sentence or one quietly whispered word.

It seems that more and more are trapped within their own reality-bubbles, in their own echo-chambers, in their own minds and in their own world to such an extent that the possibility that they might, in fact, be wrong does not ever enter through the tightly sealed doorways of their mirror-mazed minds. Confirmation bias is a very real thing, and it is something we all partake in. Confirming what one already knows to be true feels good. I think this is a very human thing, a very normal thing, a fairly harmless thing, in fact, as long as the mind is open enough to accept evidence to the contrary and alter ones view of the world accordingly. Emotion will always play a part in our lives. I don’t think there is any way around this.

Feelings should never, however, take precedence over facts. A paranoid schizophrenic may feel, may know, with all their heart and bonesaw mind that the pizza-van parked outside, delivering pizza to their neighbour, is really yet another government goon spying on them – another piece in the conspiracy designed to destroy them completely; a conspiracy that has been going on for ever and ever. That they feel this to be true does not make it true. And to act as though it is true is giving credence to their delusion, which does not heal them, but rather harms them immensely.

Ideas rise or they fall, depending on their merit. And to suppress, or attempt to suppress, the ideas of people whom one is in disagreement with does nothing but prove to one and all that ones own ideas have no legs to stand on. This is how tyranny is born. This is how authoritarianism, totalitarianism, madness and brutality keep a stranglehold on its power: by crushing underfoot all who dare to voice opposition. History is riddled with this atrocious behaviour, these acts of severe control, this barbarism clothed as civility, these demands for conformity of thought, of speech, of conduct, of uniformity of ideology. You are either with us, or you are an enemy of the state. And if you are an enemy of the state, the state will get you. And what is the state, but a body of people frightened that they will get the same treatment that you get if they don’t conform and sync with the tribe, killing you with egotistical selflessness for the good of all?

It frightens me more than it saddens me – though it absolutely does both – to see the world we inhabit sink into this kind of behaviour, this kind of ever-increasing demand for censorship and control of speech, of words, of opinions. It should be frightening to anyone who wishes to be at liberty to express themselves – and I should think this would be anyone – that it is not only social media mobs and the odd lunatic who demand this, but politicians and government implementing laws unironically labelled hate-speech so loosely defined that they can get you for anything and nothing at all. Particularly frightening is it that these laws are only protecting certain groups of people, making them by definition privileged and under special protection by law! How this is supposed to reflect equality, I have no idea. But, of course – those who champion it do, and so bring forth the same old nonsense about power-structures and institutional this and that, making it impossible to discriminate against a certain tribe because yada-yada and the structure and so and such and so forth and so on ad infinitum. Strings of words like sausages on a string; fluff and filler with no real substance and no real meat. But it sure as hell sounds good, looks good, makes sense from a distance if one squints and has the sun in ones eyes.

Liberty and freedom dies by increments, a slow and painful death, to the sound of applause and roaring cheers. And those who do not wish to applaud, who do not wish to cheer, can do nothing but honk their noses once or twice and laugh like mad clowns trapped in a maze with nowhere to run as the world burns around them.


Fucking honk.

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  • Moiret Allegiere, 20.04.2019



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Don`t apologize, don`t back down.

Mine your mind A3 lowres

Ill: «Mine your mind/mind your mine», A3, 2018, Moiret Allegiere


I am not now, nor have I ever been, in the habit of apologizing for something which I have never done or taken any part of. I have no intentions of apologizing for the random chances of my birth. And I will not check my privilege, as the nonsensical drone of inoculated safe-space inhabitants would have me do. Conversely, I have never been in the habit of taking pride in the circumstances of my birth. I take pride in what I do, what I accomplish, what I create. Not random chance.

The mere notion that anyone should have to apologize for the way they are born is beyond ignorance. It reaches far and deep into complete and utter madness; a madness which would make the inhabitants of H.P. Lovecrafts literary world tremble and shake in their boots. The call of intersectionalism. Do you hear it; a soft murmur and a thunderous crash both? Ia, Ia, Intersectionalism Fhtagn!

And yet, here we are, caught in a vortex and going down, down, deeper and deeper down into the madness of foul gibberish vomited from stomachs rotting, enveloped within a horrifying stench of decadent decay. Have you checked your white male privilege today? Confessed your sins of masculinity? Thrown yourself at the feet of your betters to lick their toes and jackboot stillettoes clean of cobwebs and insecure self-aggrandizement, or sought repentance by paying tribute or reparations to those whom, the claim is, you have hurt deeply and gravely through no fault of your own; through nothing but the shitstain of original sin?

Collectivizing blame is as simplistic as it is evil; a nonsensical thought conjured forth from the deepest recesses of a fevermad collectivist dream. You are this. And thus you have done this. A thousand years in the past, you have done this. And you must repent. And you must change. And you must meet our demands. Then, and maybe then, you shall be considered human. Or atleast partly above utter scorn, humiliation and hate. And yet, the original sin will remain with you; a constant barrage of blame and shame and ridicule to beat you down, deeper down into the mud and blood and dust. The mark of the Devil upon your brow and tainted soul. And you will try and you will apologize and you will bend the knee and still the blame will come, more and more, more and more, the more you apologize and the more you let the hive have their way. Apologizing means admitting that they are correct in their mindfuck assertions of inherited privilege. And then they win the right to keep going. They win the right by admittance of guilt where no guilt exist. The more our societies grovel at the feet of this intersectional nonsense, the more powerful the background murmur becomes. The more powerful it becomes, the grander and more absurd the demands become. There is no pleasing it. There is no stopping a train that does nothing but gain momentum; who`s mere existence is designed to keep going, keep going, keep going with no end in sight. Do not apologize to these people. Do not back down. Do not give them an inch. And watch them grumble, mumble, crumble and waste away, driven back across the borders and back into the padded cells of their safe-space asylum.

To hear these whiny, petulant and spoiled children of overabundance preach and tell me that I am at fault for being male and for being white is as insulting as it is bigoted, as stupid as it is hateful. The idea that I, on the basis of naught but my gender and the colour of my skin, have led a life of unbridled privilege is racism without doubt, and clear-as-the-fucking-day sexism. And that is all it is. They may hide it behind carefully crafted narratives of power + privilege as much as they want. It still does not make it any less of what it, in actual fact, is. The notion that people who do not know me should dare to pass judgement on me and my life based solely on my arbitrary characteristics is sickening. Here I sat, believing that people should not be judged on the colour of their skin or the genitalia betwixt their legs, but on the content of their character. Each as an individual, a person in and of themselves, a fellow human being worthy of all that a fellow human being is worthy of. Of course, and by Joe: I near forgot: men are not human beings but human doings. And do, do, do, young boy, please do. Interesting, is it not, that the word «boy» used to mean servant? To serve and to please and to disappear into the corner, to become one with the wallpaper when not needed; to shut up and be quiet until called out to serve and to please. Do, do, do, if`n you please, please do, please please.

And yet, here we go, feeding the buzz and the drone with stupid assertions and unfounded accusations of genetical privilege, or lack thereof. All based solely on superficial attributes. And the fingers and the quivering lips point and ridicule and label ME a bigot for not being so bigoted as to judge and deem someone worthy or not worthy of consideration, empathy and understanding based on their genitalia or the colour of their skin. The virtuous are now the bigots. The bigoted are now the virtuous; tearing down bigotry and hatred, one racist or sexist statement at a time.

Should they try to think further than the tips of their powdered, upturned noses, their very world would tremble and their very minds would melt and become one with the chasm opening underneath their feet to swallow them whole, as their entire world dips and turns and disappears into the ether and into the flames and fires of hell. There are no foundations beyond their bigotry and ignorance. Locked stocked and smoking barrels filled with pre-approved and well rehearsed diatribes; noise and bellowing, smoke and fire, brimstone and death, signifying nothing at all. Depths of intellect need not apply. Deep, slow and methodical thinking need not apply. There is nothing beyond the immediate gratification of having their hatred and bigotry justified and sanctified. By pointing fingers and laying blame and accusing others of the very sins they are engaged in themselves. And we are all bigots for pointing out their hateful bigotry, their nonbinary pseudointellectual wordsalad-gibberish posing as intelligent philosophy. Cry wolf enough times, however…

Scratch but a tiny layer of the surface and you shall see it all tremble and crumble to dust and dirt. And you shall see them deny their incompetence and lack of reason; hiding it behind hideous anger posing as the right of the oppressed to hate the oppressor. Should you get angry in return – as well you fucking should – this will then be brought forth as one example amongst many of mens inherent hatred of, and violence towards, women. The circle is complete. Men being angry is violent and dangerous. Women being angry… now, that is just empowering! Go girl, go. No matter how insane and dribbling with unreasonable quackery!

And we are indoctrinated to believe this lie, and thousands other to follow, across years and years, vast oceans of time, hardwired to protect and listen and do for the hive as they point and blame and shame and weep crocodile tears and whisper in our ears how evil, wicked, tricksy, false we are.

I am a man. And as such I am less human, less capable of humanity than they are. My greatest sin is being born into sin. And for this, I must apologize and flagellate myself before them as they point and judge and babbel on and on. And it is never good enough, never grovelling enough, for them to not point, not mock, not ridicule, not demand more and more and more, ever more. Driving us to the point of utter destruction. And we cave, we, as a society, cave in and we grovel and we say that, yes, we are so privileged and oh, we are so oppressive and, oh, we are benefitting from hundreds of thousands of years of evil incarnate in the shape of testicles and swinging cocks and oh and oh oh oh, how wicked and how evil we are, is, always have been.

One mans transgressions is every mans burden to fix. And so is one womans transgressions the fault of every man. In their minds and in their eyes, all the faults and flaws of the world are the fault and flaws of men, and men must step down and apologize and let women rule. But men must also fix it, even if we are not supposed to rule and fix and govern. Let women hold the reigns, they say. And let men do the work, they say. And by women, they mean feminism. And by men, they mean men.

And am I, by virtue of being male, to take the fault of every man upon my shoulders and let it burden me to the point of despair and selfdestruction? Well, yes, I am, and I have to admit to my privilege as the jackboot-stillettoes of our victimized tyrants poke me in the eye and are driven deep into my central nervous-system – I`m sorry I`m male, I`m sorry I`m white, I can feel my privilege and my oppressive nature coursing through my veins. Let it flow, then, let it flow, outwards, and then seep into the ground so that I can repay the sins I have commited – albeit by the hands of others, and a thousand years before my birth, let it flow still, until all is driven out of me and I am left as nothing but a empty husk, a shell in which to foster the true and caring nature of intersectional collectivism; the state of nature true and through; a protoplasmic ooze in which all love reigns supreme, where all is grey and shattered and scattered and driven together by travesties and tragedies both. A state of nurture, through and true where naught exist but mangled limbs and strangled words, a whisper fading on the lips of a dying son smothered in his crib by caretakers claiming it an act of love and compassion.

There is no hate beyond the world of men, they claim. The only bigots are the filthy white men. They should all be killed. That`ll teach them that to hate someone based on their gender and the colour of the skin is bad! All I want for christmas is a white genocide. Kill all men. See, there is no hate in that. We normalize and accept hatred of men and hatred of whites by painting men and whites as evil incarnate; as privileged haters of all but themselves. The ridiculousness is astounding. As are the doublethink, the doublespeak, the doublestandards galore. One rule for thee, another for me. So it is, has, and always will be. They would have had no standards where it not for their double standards. Yet, they stay oblivious to their own obvious psychological projection. And our societies stand in gobsmacked attention, refusing to point out that the empress has no clothes, that the reason they think that men as a group think like this about them is because they, as a group, think like this about men. They think that men would do to them what they wish to do to men. And all the fencesitters and all the babysitters sit and nod their heads and refuse to listen, claiming that it is the work of a radical few, this hatred and shaming and wishes of death and destruction and curtailing of our freedoms. It is but a radical few. A vocal minority. With enough power and control and dominance to dominate the discourse and the state of affairs and change all and one to suit their needs, hiding their battle for supremacy behind the skullsplitting mantra of equality; equality for all, which of course has come to mean equality for women, which has come to mean equality for feminism.

I ain`t apologizing for something I have had no part in.

I ain`t taking blame for something I have never done.

Nor should you. Nor should anyone.

But I shall follow the flawed fragmented-psyche logic of these ill constructed, fermented brainstems. If I am to take on the burden of the responsibility of every bad act perpetrated by every man that has ever done a bad act, I will also take on the responsibility of all the good ever done by every good man – from every single kitten saved that was trapped in a tree, to every single war fought and won for the benefit of all; from every single tender fathers kiss upon his childs brow, to every scientific innovation which bettered or saved the lives of millions. I shall follow their logic and I shall take it upon myself and put it upon my own shoulders the collectivist nonsense they spout, and demand their gratitude and demand their admiration for every kindly deed done by every man who has ever lived. And lo, and behold – the good far outweighs the bad. And lo, and behold, I am good. And so is every man.

Men did not start this war; this endless nonsensical cycle of blame and retribution. But we can sure as hell end it. In one swift strike, we can end it.

Do not apologize.

Do not fall for their tricks and crocodile tears. Do not internalize blame and do not internalize hatred and do not give them an inch.

Don`t apologize.

Don`t back down.

Stand your ground.

Don`t apologize.
